What Does the Bible Say about Pandemics?

The outbreak of the coronavirus disease called COVID-19 has surprised many of us. Yet infectious outbreaks and pandemics are nothing new. They’ve occurred throughout history and the Bible mentions them a lot, especially in the Old Testament (OT). So, what does the Bible say about pandemics? Pestilence English Bible translations frequently translate a related Hebrew…

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Why Does God Allow Death?

On January 26, 2020, our world reeled, hearing of the tragic death of Kobe Bryant. He was just 41 years old. Bryant’s 13-year-old daughter Gianna died in the crash. Our hearts sink just thinking about the family members still alive who bear the burden of this news. I was personally moved, because I can understand…

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When Viruses Loom Larger than God

I (like you, no doubt) am tired of thinking about COVID-19 already, though my browsing history might betray me. I’ll abstain from taking a side on whether COVID-19 merits the panic it has created or not—the question belongs to epidemiologists for now, handed off to historians soon after. Of greater interest to me has been…

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How to Prepare for Hard Times

Acts 11:19-30 How would you respond if you knew that a disaster would happen soon? Or just for the sake of discussion, let’s say you could be certain that a disaster would occur within eighteen months. What would you do? How would you prepare? What if you did not have all the resources you have…

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The Sword and the Famine and the Pestilence

These days, the paramount thing on everyone’s mind is the Corona Virus pandemic. Schools are closing or shifting to “online only” formats. Churches wrestle with how and when to meet, if at all. Stores grapple with panic buying (even hoarding) of staple items. Headlines are apocalyptic – you only need turn to any one of…

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You and Your Cheer

I like how different states take pride in their own unique regional sodas. In New York, they have Manhattan Special. In Michigan, they drink Vernors Ginger Ale. In North Carolina, we have Cheerwine. If you’ve never heard of Cheerwine before, don’t let the name fool you. There’s no alcohol. You won’t find any wine in…

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Suffering – Too Wonderful to Understand

Why do people who know and follow God still suffer excruciating things? This piercing question haunted Job after he had suffered the devastating loss of his resources, family, and health. Three of his so-called friends attempted to answer this question by accusing him of hidden sin. Despite their lengthy speeches, Job persistently denied this charge,…

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Trusting God in Traumatic Times

The Confessions of Jeremiah, Part 1 Jeremiah 11:18-Jeremiah 12:6 Jeremiah 12:5-6 If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan? For even…

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There Are No Unique or Hopeless Problems

John Vaughn Greatly discouraged believers are usually those facing problems that have them bewildered. The attitude that says, “No one has ever been through anything like this,” or “It’s hopeless; there is absolutely nothing I can do!” compounds the pain of overwhelming circumstances. The value of the Old Testament to the Christian is not only…

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