New Hampshire: The Epicenter of Politics

Steve Whitmore “Consider this: Between Jan. 11, the day of the New Hampshire Presidential Primary, and Friday, … 16,369 political commercials” have aired on WMUR-TV (New Hampshire Sunday News, October 21, p.1). The same paper listed the presidential campaign commercials break down as follows-“Romney: 2,485 vs. Obama: 4,923.” See what I mean? The first thing you…

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Honor to Whom Honor is Due

Joel Arnold All three debates done and less than 2 weeks left. Yesterday I overheard a loud conversation at a table next to me: “Obama lied so many times last night, Romney has to win.” Glad that’s taken care of. On the way home we passed a car covered in bumper stickers. “Republicans oppose big…

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Around the Web–8/10/12

General News of Interest: Why Obama’s support for same-sex marriage won’t hurt him among African Americans – This article from the Washington Post confirms what many suspected, despite the protests of some black preachers, the bulk of black voters are solidly behind Obama. This is very unlikely to change by election day. Miss. church apologizes…

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The Problem in Government is Spiritual, not Political

Thinking about government in light of 1 Samuel 8 by Matthew Recker By the last days of the judges, national Israel had grown from a family to a loose confederation of sovereign tribes banded together for mutual worship and protection. 1 Samuel 8 offers us a turning point in the government of the nation where…

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