The Goal of a Minister of Music

Kurt Stephens Any minister of music who could master the question “What are you trying to accomplish?” would truly be successful. Having spent the past eleven years serving as Minister of Music, I can attest that the elements I contribute to my church’s services have been shaped and motivated by many factors. The first of…

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Can The Music Issue Be Resolved?

Gordon Dickson There are no absolutes.” “What works is what counts.” “The end justifies the means.” “Music is amoral.” These are not statements of fact; they are statements of philosophy. The statements above are the rules of relativism. Such philosophies should be discarded (Col. 2:8). The Christian is called to honor God in every area…

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Keys to a Musical Reawakening

A Revival of Biblical Worship Gene Trantham “Hallelujah! Thine the glory; Revive us again.” Oh, how we desire genuine God-sent revival. How does one achieve a musical reawakening that rekindles our souls? Over the years, I have heard several music directors mention things that they do to generate energy in their musical situations: (1) upbeat…

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Should Sacred Music Swing?

Dwight Gustafson The choice of church music is intensely personal, something about which the Scriptures say little. Right? Wrong! God’s Word has a clear standard for sacred music. [Editor’s note: some of the terms in this article are dated, the article comes to us from 1975. We hope our readers will not be distracted by…

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Sermon and Song: A Vital Duet

Kurt Woetzel Does your church have a “good spirit” about it? That question has a measure of Scriptural basis. Christ said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23). One of the practical functions and purposes of music in the church…

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Why Do You Think So?

Don Johnson I came across a fascinating article in the New York Times this week. Why Movie ‘Facts’ Prevail discusses movies based on factual or historical incidents and their frequent inaccuracy. We all know this to be true, even movies adapted from books frequently change the “facts” to facilitate the dramatic presentation of the basic…

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What a Pastor Wants from the Music Ministry

Danny Sweatt Music in the church is often seen as either an end in itself or as merely a means to an end. Some people, particularly musicians, consider music the most important component of a church service. The modern, contemporary movement certainly seems to encourage that viewpoint, in practice if not in creed. It is…

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A Biblical Foundation for Music

Doug Bachorik Throughout the history of God’s people there have come times when a person, a church, or a group of churches must throw off some practice established by previous generations. Many reasons justify such a step, the primary one being a lack of Scriptural authority for said practice. The church is always bettered—indeed, revived—when…

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Guidance from FrontLine for those Confused about Music

FrontLine 20th Anniversary Issue Will the music debate ever be resolved? No. There will be no final word from man on music, which is precisely why we have to keep teaching and reteaching the principles that guide us into Biblical decisions about it. In an attempt to connect with the struggle that some have when…

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The Eclectic Web – 2014.4.4

Compiled by Don Johnson Given our interest in John MacArthur’s views on the charismatic movement (see our review of Strange Fire here and our open letter to John MacArthur here), I think it is appropriate that we notice that Dr. MacArthur has clearly spelled out the differences between his views and John Piper’s views. Full…

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