America’s First Foreign Missionary Casualty (2)

Mark Minnick This is part two of two. Part One is here. In Part One we were introduced to Harriett Newell and her Christian testimony as she travelled from America to India in 1812. In the absence of all other friends, the bond to Samuel was especially strengthened. “In one bosom friend I find the…

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America’s First Foreign Missionary Casualty (1)

Mark Minnick I wish that all believers could experience the immensely enriching benefit that some of us obtain from reading Christian biography. So much of what Hollywood and secular historians portray as the past is just pathetic fabrication. It simply didn’t happen that way. But factual Christian biography that is reverently written opens a pleasurable…

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A Modern-Day Macedonian Call

“Jerry” What can we do for China?” Everywhere I go people ask me this question. With over a billion people over a vast land area, China defies a short answer. Since missions groups can come up with a whole variety of strategies, I think it is wise for us to ask the house churches what…

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Go, Win, Baptize, Teach

John Vaughn Much has been said in this space about fellowship, as it should be, since FrontLine is the publication of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship. But fellowship is not our mission, just one of the things we purpose to maintain in accomplishing that mission. Our mission does not come from the FBFI constitution but straight…

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Holding the Rope

Fred Moritz The year was 1792. William Carey had challenged his Baptist brethren to obey their responsibility to take the gospel to unreached lands. Baptists of mid-England formed the Particular Baptist Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Heathen. They appointed Carey and John Thomas to go to India as missionaries. In 1793 Carey said…

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Missions is a Task, Not a Trip or Trivia

Pearson Johnson As we continue to pray for the needs of the unevangelized in the world, I want to take a break from considering the people blocks of the 10/40 Window and challenge you to evaluate the results of knowing about these gospel-starved regions. One of our Fundamental Baptist brothers, Randy Wilkins, on deputation to…

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Sacrifice or Privilege?

Mark Batory When missionaries are mentioned, the image often evoked is that of men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice of family and friends and end up having to endure the toils of a difficult, lonely, deprived life in some remote corner of the world. Regrettably, many of today’s Christians view missionary service…

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Who Should Go Forth?

Daniel Huffstutler As happens to many prospective missionaries, the rose-colored glasses I acquired while growing up in missions-minded churches and schools in the United States tinted my perspective on missions. I thought I knew what missions was all about. After all, I had attended countless missions conferences, knew many missionaries, and had spent four months…

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Doubling Our Efforts

Dan Wokaty When I was a missionary appointee preparing to serve at the Instituto Práctico Ebenezer in Hermosillo, Mexico, I sometimes received rejection letters stating something like this: “We are sorry, but our church supports only church planters.” Although I am involved in church planting, my main ministry focus is the Institute. Sadly, this misunderstanding…

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Culture: Conformity and Contextualization

Brian Collins Pastors often warn their congregations about conformity to the culture. Missionaries are typically instructed to adapt to their new cultures. On the surface, the advice appears contradictory. The tension becomes greater because as American culture becomes more pluralistic, that is, as subcultures multiply, many are suggesting that churches must adapt to these subcultures…

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