Dung on the Face?

Matt Recker Malachi 2:3 “I will… spread dung upon your faces…” We might think this is a bit “over the top!” I have never preached about God spreading dung on the faces of the priests, and, on the surface, it seems a coarse tactic to use. In preaching through Malachi recently, this troubling passage confronted…

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Straight Cuts: The Responsibilities of Leaders and Followers

Randy Shaylor FrontLine • May/June 2007 Hebrews 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they…

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Barkless Dogs

Phil Shuler Frontline • January/February 2000 Editor’s note: This article, as you can see by the header above, was published some time ago. In light of the turmoil of today it seems timely. May God move us to revival in our churches! Why is our society so morally and spiritually out of control today? Why…

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Authority: Right or Wrong?

Reynold Lemp FrontLine • September/October 2007 Authority and chain of command are terms we use when we are referring to “who is in charge.” It may be a grocery store owner, a Little League ball team manager, or a big manufacturing executive. God Himself, and only God, established authority. Even in the heavens the law…

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The Ordinances and Pastoral Authority

Thomas Overmiller A Command and a Qualification Churches need leaders, but they also need a biblical understanding of leadership. We too easily fall into the trap of the leadership craze, chasing after leadership books, flocking to leadership conferences and experimenting with all kinds of creative leadership strategies, whether secular or Christian. But biblical leadership is…

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Honorable Christian Manhood (pt 4)

Taigen Joos Part 1 ♦ Part 2 ♦ Part 3 The need for Honorable Christian Men is great because the Scriptural expectations are great. Many men are no doubt wondering how they can grow in becoming an honorable Christian man. Is there any hope for spiritual growth and victory? The biblical answer is a resounding…

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The Ordinances and Pastoral Authority

Thomas Overmiller A Command and a Qualification Churches need leaders, but they also need a biblical understanding of leadership. We too easily fall into the trap of the leadership craze, chasing after leadership books, flocking to leadership conferences and experimenting with all kinds of creative leadership strategies, whether secular or Christian. But biblical leadership is…

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The Second Man: A Unique Breed

Matt Williams A Study in the Role of an Assistant Pastor From the book How to Be a Team Player and Enjoy It. FrontLine • September/October 2007 In the age of ego exaltation and media hype, where is the person who will faithfully serve under the leader of a ministry—seeking only to make his superior…

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Leading Servants

John C. Vaughn FrontLine • September/October 2007 For part 1, see here. Every minister is to be a servant (Matt. 20:26, 27), and every Christian is to be in the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:12). Servant-leaders are to be “leaders of servants” as well as servants themselves. On the Front Line introduced the lesson…

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