How Family Tragedies Shape Lives

As with most first-person accounts, President Theodore Roosevelt’s autobiography provides unique insight and observations that would be missing from the full record of his life had it not been written. One extraordinary thing about Roosevelt’s autobiography is what is learned by what he omits. Roosevelt was married to a young socialite named Alice Hathaway. Two…

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Dress for Success

There was a time when there were different clothes for different occasions.  I say there ‘was a time’ because today casual is accepted as the norm almost anywhere you go.  I’ve been in restaurants where the waiter was dressed very formally, but most patrons were quite informal.  We live in a casual culture. But even…

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How to Deal with Criticism

Criticism has a unique way of controlling us. One critical word and we want to rethink everything we believe or stand for. Ironically, I have been criticized for being overly critical at times. Unfortunately, I have passed this “gift” on to my children. Somehow over the past 11-16yrs of their lives, they have become genius…

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A Dark Room: My Heart & Abortion

Having held my lifeless stillborn daughter in my arms almost 35 years ago can bring a rising level of emotions to my heart when I consider the current scenario being played out in the SCOTUS Roe v. Wade “ leak” and upcoming ruling. My heart. Yes, … that’ s the key word in the previous…

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Bearing the Yoke in Your Youth

Armchair sociologists are already calling them “Generation C.” A recent article in The Atlantic, put it this way: “Generation C Has Nowhere to Turn: Recent history suggests young people could see their careers derailed, finances shattered, and social lives upended.”1 The article went on to describe the depressing consequences of COVID-19 crisis. Young people, especially…

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How to Prepare for Hard Times

Acts 11:19-30 How would you respond if you knew that a disaster would happen soon? Or just for the sake of discussion, let’s say you could be certain that a disaster would occur within eighteen months. What would you do? How would you prepare? What if you did not have all the resources you have…

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Can God Find Fruit on Your Fig Tree?

A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none (Luke 13:6). Jesus spoke the parable of the fig tree as a picture of Israel nationally. For three years, the tree produced no fruit. Therefore, doom faced the nation; three years of fruitlessness meant…

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Spiritual Maturity

Be ye therefore perfect… (Matthew 5:48). Let us therefore, as many as be perfect… (Philippians 3:15). But let patience have her perfect work, that YE MAY BE PERFECT… (James 1:4). We can translate the word for perfect as complete or mature. The context of Philippians 3:15 relates to becoming like Christ. It indicates that it…

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The Season of Renewal

A. J. Gordon This message was preached more than 100 years ago, yet the truths it offers are poignantly applicable today. We grow spiritually through constant mortification of the natural man and constant renewal of the spiritual man. A good illustration of this is the process of grafting, which Scripture refers to several times. Here…

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The Three Dimensions Of Discipline—Part 1

Jerry Sivnksty One of the greatest struggles that many Christians have is maintaining a proper balance in their lives. This isn’t an easy task, but we should stop to consider how well balanced our lives are. Before I proceed any further, I want to point out that for us to be a disciple of our…

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