Ministering Grace

Recently, a church member emailed me questions prompted by a discussion with a coworker. What is meant by “means of grace?” What are the means of grace? First, I explained what I am certain he already knew. Grace is unmerited favor or undeserved kindness. It is the only way a person can be forgiven or…

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Grace in Afflictions

I have been meditating for several weeks on 2 Cor. 4:15-18. The expression “light affliction” has been returning to my mind as I deal with daily, nagging physical conditions that are burdensome and uncomfortable. I’m seeking relief, improvement, and help from any source available. Even though I’m plagued by real challenges and wearing out, I’m…

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Allow Me to Share My Heart

On Valentine’s Day (ironically) I was having some discomfort in my chest. In light of my history I thought it best for me to check in with my cardiologist. The PA didn’t seem too concerned, but she decided it would be best for me to have a stress test. I had not had one since…

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God’s Power to Transform

This article first appeared on the website of Gospel Fellowship Association Missions, here. We republish it here with permission. The Gospel’s transforming power in the hearts of individual people will always be one of the great joys of the ministry. Helen Stevens and Stephanie Marnoch demonstrated this miraculous transforming power when they were saved to…

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Just Thinking of God’s Great Grace to Us

I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30 It’s said, “What a difference a day makes.” It is amazing how things can so greatly change in one day. Last week, I went to a church work day and was very busy until I felt very…

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Thankful for a Life Changed by Grace

Paul wrote to the Thessalonian believers “We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers” (I Thessalonians 1:2). Thanksgiving to God for his grace in the life of others was a common practice of the Apostle Paul. He related this thanksgiving in his epistles to the Romans (1:8),…

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Do This and Live: Leviticus 18:5

Leviticus 18:5 looms large in law-grace discussions. The verse states, “Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in [or, by] them: I am the Lord.” Given the Bible’s emphatic teaching that salvation is a gift, the reader naturally struggles with this verse. Is it saying…

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God’s Grace in the Past, Present, and Future

At some point in life, many people pause to evaluate their physical health and fitness. This personal checkpoint occurs sooner for some and later for others. If we’re wise, we look for a diet, medicine, supplement, or routine that offers more than a momentary, temporary solution. We want an approach that will heal ailments from…

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Making Sense out of Suffering

FrontLine July/August 2019 | VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 As believers we have the privilege of magnifying the unique excellence of our God. When we glorify Him, we express our praise of His essential excellence. He is the Creator; everything else is the creation. God alone is the unique and perfect Spirit in whom all…

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Grace of Many Colors, To Meet Every Need

Back when I was a college student I believe I possessed a fairly well developed sense of style.  I was certainly no clothes horse.  However, whether motivated by trying to fit in with my peers or perhaps hoping to look appealing to young ladies, I was always careful to dress in a way that was…

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