Posts Tagged ‘Evangelism’
Gospel Tract Soulwinning
If we obey God’s Great Commission we will be concerned about and looking for opportunities to give the gospel message to the lost all around us—at our front doors, at stores, banks, gas stations, or wherever our daily routine takes us. While there are other good methods of personal evangelism and soul winning, there is…
Read MoreA Voice from The Past
The Background The Gospel of John wraps up the public ministry of Jesus in an unexpected way, by returning to the memory of John the Baptist. At the beginning of this gospel, we read about the message of John the Baptist (John 1:6-36). But after the introduction and baptism of Jesus, his followers followed Jesus…
Read MoreReview: Finding Truth
Finding Truth: 5 Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes Nancy Pearcey Publisher: David C. Cook, 2015 Review by Don Johnson Finding Truth is a relatively recent book (pub. 2015). Others have taken in hand to review it already. For a survey of the main argument of the book, you can see Challies’…
Read MoreEvangelizing the Cold-Hearted
We live in a cold place. Winter in Calgary can last 6-7 months of the year. Neighbors often don’t see neighbors during those days, except for the occasional greeting here and there from the mailbox or a snow-shoveled driveway. Most people are content to keep to themselves. Calgary is also a wealthy city. A lot…
Read MoreUnderstanding Your Jewish Neighbor
Defining Terms Before we understand the Jewish faith, it is important for Christians to understand how to approach their Jewish neighbors. Christians have certain ideas about what they mean when they refer to Judaism or Jewish people. However, those ideas may not necessarily be accurate to the way Jewish people view themselves. Christian perspectives often…
Read MoreHow to Speak about Jesus
Praying for opportunities to speak about Jesus is an important step in being an effective gospel witness (Col 4:2-3). Living in a way that anticipates such opportunities is another important step (Col 4:4-5). However, when you take these steps, you need to be prepared to speak when opportunities come your way (Col 4:6). Perhaps it…
Read MoreThe Conversion of an Evolutionist: Conclusion – Sanctify the Lord in Your Hearts (Plus bonus material)
Priorities in Presenting the Faith: an apologetic of evangelism (Part 5) We began with Dr. Whitcomb’s testimony of salvation and early witnessing efforts. From there Dr. Whitcomb spoke of obstacles to evangelism, the fallen nature of man and the opposition of Satan. In Part 3 Dr. Whitcomb made the point that evangelism that effective evangelism…
Read MoreThe Conversion of an Evolutionist: Rational Argument or Spiritual Witness?
Priorities in Presenting the Faith: an apologetic of evangelism (Part 4) We began with Dr. Whitcomb’s testimony of salvation and early witnessing efforts. From there Dr. Whitcomb spoke of obstacles to evangelism, the fallen nature of man and the opposition of Satan. In Part 3 Dr. Whitcomb made the point that evangelism that effective evangelism…
Read MoreThe Conversion of an Evolutionist: Patient, Prayerful Gospel Witness
Priorities in Presenting the Faith: an apologetic of evangelism (Part 3) In Part 2, Dr. Whitcomb noted two chief obstacles we face in evangelizing the lost, whether the “evolutionist” of his title or the ordinary Joe on the street. The first is man’s fallen nature – the unbeliever isn’t interested in the gospel and doesn’t…
Read MoreThe Conversion of an Evolutionist: Chief Obstacles
Priorities in Presenting the Faith: an apologetic of evangelism (Part 2) In Part 1, Dr. Whitcomb recounted his eagerness to win the lost to Christ immediately after his conversion at Princeton University. To his chagrin, he found the effort very frustrating. He constantly searched for some new answer or proof that would bring about repentance,…
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