Posts Tagged ‘Evangelism’
Monroe Parker “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God” (2 Corinthians 5:20). Dr. Bob Jones, Sr., founder of Bob Jones University, used to say, “Nearly every false religion is founded on an overemphasis of some truth.”…
Read MoreThe Promised Fruit of Soul Winning
Dave Barba We all struggle with our responsibility to evangelize. If I asked, “Is your church evangelistic?” you might reply by mentioning your latest rousing sermon on evangelism or your recent Bible study series on soul winning. Maybe you would refer me to your wellwritten blog post where you analyze postmodernity’s effect on evangelism and…
Read MoreA Change of Focus
Jeff Musgrave Many pastors have told me that their church’s soul-winning program is weak or nonexistent. With the overemphasis of easy-believism and evangelism at any cost, it seems that we have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. While a correction in emphasis was warranted, it is time we readjust our focus to a Biblical…
Read MoreWe Can Make Excuses, or We Can Make Disciples
John C. Vaughn Many years ago I had the opportunity to go soul winning on board a merchant ship docked at Hampton Roads near Norfolk, Virginia. The man who invited me on board does this full time. Over thirty years ago he had already seen the wisdom of reaching foreign nationals who come to our…
Read MoreMuslims in America
Bob Rutledge According to Reasoning from the Scriptures with Muslims (Ron Rhodes, Harvest House Publishers, 2002), in 1990 only thirty mosques were located in the United States; now there are over three thousand, with roughly one new mosque opening every week. As you can see, the Muslim population in the United States and Canada is…
Read MoreRepentance in the Presentation of the Gospel
Dr. John Mincy There are few topics that evoke as much emotion among Baptist pastors as REPENTANCE. As in most controversial cases, there are two opposing viewpoints that are trying to be protected. Some are trying to protect the position that the Gospel should not be presented as “easy-believism,” and, therefore, argue that much emphasis…
Read MoreMissions-Minded
Chuck Phelps Our loving Heavenly Father was so missions-minded that He “sent His only begotten Son” (John 3:16). When Christians consider the matter of missions they consider a matter dear to the heart of God. The power of the American passport and American purse is a tremendous responsibility sadly forgotten by many American Christians. “According…
Read MoreShifting From “Come” to “Go”
Kevin Schaal As I pored through hundreds of decision cards I could not help but weep. It’s an experience that is hard to describe and even harder to believe for laborers in North America, but in the Philippines things are different. Student Movement for Christ International (SMCI), a Fundamental student evangelistic organization in the Philippines,…
Read MoreThe Strategy of Multiplication
Mike and Gail Mestler Throughout Kenya grows a flowering tree with striking orange-red blossoms appropriately named the “flame tree.” The flame tree is indigenous to Africa, where it easily grows to a height of fifty feet and produces many clusters of flowers on the tips of its branches. A flame tree in full blossom is…
Read MoreEvangelism and Discipleship as a Way of LIFE
Paul Warf Today a new way of thinking has emerged. Our world has undergone a cultural earthquake due to the rise of postmodern culture and ideas. Most postmoderns are not going to be impressed with only our verbal presentations of the gospel. What is needed is a people who live out the gospel in transparent,…
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