Posts Tagged ‘Evangelism’
The Historical Developments of the Campus Ministry (2)
William J. Senn III For Part One click here. Student Religious Meetings and Societies in America The Prayer for the Servants of God: Harvard University In America, eighty-eight of the first one hundred colleges were organized to preach the gospel.1 In 1636 the first of these, Harvard, was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Puritans who…
Read MoreThe Historical Developments of the Campus Ministry (1)
William J. Senn III New Testament Days — School of Tyrannus The Priority of the Church of God The roots for campus ministry are found in Acts 19:8–10, with the apostle Paul ministering at Tyrannus University (TU) at Ephesus. Tyrannus was either the owner of the school or its most famous Dean of Doom, “the…
Read MoreRenewing the Age-Old Commission
Charles J. Mellring And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have…
Read MoreSheep in the Midst of Wolves
Dayton Hobbs Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16). Jesus gave this instruction and advice to His disciples as He sent them out to minister as “sheep in the midst of wolves” in their generation. He offers this same instruction for those of us who desire to be good disciples…
Read MoreWhy We are in Manhattan
Background and Burden Matt Recker Manhattan, New York, is an island where one can reach the world within just 22.83 square miles of space. One of the five boroughs of New York City, Manhattan is the second smallest county in the United States. Conversely with its 1.6 million people, Manhattan is the most densely populated…
Read MoreThe Race That Is Set Before Us
Greg Baker FrontLine Jan/Feb 2016 – featured article Perhaps you’ve experienced one of those I-don’t-recognize- Americans-anymore moments. And, perhaps, like me, you’ve resented the irrevocable loss of virtue, the utter bankruptcy of genuine wisdom, and the flouting of traditional values Americans used to hold dear. Just about the time I’m pricing flights to the nearest…
Read MoreAll Things to All Men—or—Be Ye Separate
Randolph Shaylor An important principle of the Word of God is separation from doctrinal and ecclesiastical compromise and from unrighteous lifestyles and practices. Yet we are inundated with publications and ministries that insist that we must attract people, especially young people, by appealing to contemporary desires. Paul’s statement “I am made all things to all…
Read MoreUna Puerta Abierta (An Open Door)
David Shumate The Great Hispanic Ministry Opportunity in the United States “Do you know of someone who could come and help us start a Spanish ministry? All of a sudden there are Hispanic people everywhere in our town, and we don’t know how to reach them.” Those connected with Hispanic ministries regularly receive such pleas…
Read MoreThe Importance of Prayer in Evangelism
Phil Shuler My wife and I were reminiscing about evangelism in our childhood, attempting to determine the primary reason that we saw many souls saved then, and so few saved today. We contrasted the lack of television then to the deluge of entertainment on the tube today. Back then family was the focus for spiritual…
Read MorePlant Now!
A 21st Century Challenge Dave Barba Why Re-seed? When I was a kid, I liked missionaries and their slide shows. A missionary was a mud-hut guy who carried water from the river, ate bugs with a smile, and preached in the jungle. He displayed snakeskins and shrunken heads. He was a real missionary, and he…
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