Consumers or Committed Christians?

Paul Downey These days one can find on the shelves of any Christian bookstore all manner of volumes offering to explain how to build larger churches. Depending on the author, churches are urged to employ various techniques to entice believers and unbelievers (often referred to as “seekers”) to fill their pews. Marketing the church has…

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Liking God’s Will

George Stiekes Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17 God was so confident in the faithfulness of Job’s life that He challenged Satan to find fault with him, even allowing Satan to strip Job of his health, wealth and family (Job 1:12). God allowed Joseph to…

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The Will of God – the Basics

George Stiekes Wherefore be ye not unwise (foolish), but understanding what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17 We would all agree that one of our goals in life is to be LIKE JESUS (Romans 8:29; Ephesians 5:1; Philippians 2:5). We throw the phrase “will of God” around a lot in our Christian circles,…

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Cultivating Faith: A Man of Conviction (Pt 6)

Jim Oesterwind Genesis 16.1-16 The descendants of Abraham would number as the stars are numbered in the heaven (Genesis 15). God is gracious to reveal that Abraham’s future descendants would one day come out of Egypt after about 400 years of affliction with great possessions, great numbers, and a great God. While God accomplished much…

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God’s Plans & Our Prayers

Thomas Overmiller We ask many questions about the correlation between God’s plans and our prayers. Our answers to these questions can easily step off the knife-edge balance of Bible truth into reasonable logic or a defense of a particular theological system. Stepping back away from the finer points of this debate and taking in the…

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Treasuring Our Time (Part Two)

Jerry Sivnksty In Ephesians 5:16 the apostle Paul wrote, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” We as God’s children are living in evil days; therefore we ought to be making the most of our time. Recently I read an article about how George Whitefield and his close friends kept records of how they…

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Treasuring Our Time (Part One)

Jerry Sivnksty Many people are consumed with watching their investments. They are in constant touch with their broker or watching the business channel to make sure their finances are working for them. Their minds are focused on making right investments. The same should be true of us who are investing in eternity.

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Cultivating Faith (2): A Man of Perspective

Jim Oesterwind Genesis 12.5-20 The most wonderful result of cultivating a life of faith is that people will glimpse the character of God in one who genuinely believes His Word. God blessed Abraham, but in him blessed all the families of the earth (Genesis 12.1-3). There are two perspectives which become very important in the…

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The Responsibility to Influence

Tim Locke As a young man I found that my concept of leadership had developed through the personalities that influenced my life. I have been under leaders who were direct, intense personalities, and I have had leaders who were gracious and gentle. In trying to decide what kind of leader to be, I often refer…

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Be Not Conformed

Don Johnson A continuing meditation on Romans 12.1-2: The Motivation for Change God is Concerned About Externals Present Your Bodies Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans…

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