Marks of Maturity

Gene Gurganus Is not the desperate need of the church of Jesus Christ mature men—men who will lead both the church and their families in such a way that God will be glorified and men will be edified? Mature men are characterized by godly living resulting from making right decisions. A mature man can be…

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Winning the Battle against Media Bombardment

Thomas Overmiller All kinds of media clamor for your attention – news, social buzz, marketing, movies, music, books, gaming, and gossip. They utilize an overwhelming variety of platforms – desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, e-book readers, cell phones, smart phones, mp3 players, theatres, satellite TV, cable TV, radios, billboards, magazines, tabloids, libraries, newspapers, post…

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The Helmet of Salvation

Andy Rupert During first-century battles, “the Roman soldier wore a bronze helmet equipped with cheek pieces. The helmet was a heavy decorative and expensive item which had an inside lining of felt or sponge which made the weight bearable. Nothing short of an axe or hammer could pierce a heavy helmet” (Reinecker and Rogers 542).…

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How Great is the LORD’s Goodness!

Jim Oesterwind “Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep…

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Why Cling to a Conservative Music Standard?

by Paul Downey Ministries need a Biblical and philosophical basis for rejecting popular music in favor of conservative, traditional music. The music used in our churches and schools should provide a high-quality, meaningful alternative to the high-pressure worldly influence of popular music. While the text is important, it is by no means the only criterion…

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Character or Christlikeness

by Jim Berg This article first appeared in FrontLine May/June 2003. We are seeing a renewed interest in character development today— even in the public sector. Some secular educators and even some public officials have taken up the cause of character education for the nation’s youth. Former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett penned a…

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Worldliness a quality of temper and life

submitted by Don Johnson (HT: Pastor Sam Souza, Brandon, Manitoba) One of the unending debates is over the meaning of worldliness and how concerned we should be about it. Preachers of former days were not quite so uncertain on the subject: “Our ecclesiastical ancestors were in the habit of condemning in Christian men, not merely…

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