Posts Tagged ‘Authority’
The Authority of the Scriptures
Paul W. Downey Many churches today base their ministries on one fad or another. In attempts to attract a larger crowd or larger offerings, many pastors “package” their churches as places where people can be entertained, fulfilled, or taught to cope with the difficulties of life. Our churches ought rather to be places where people…
Read MoreHonor to Whom Honor is Due
Joel Arnold All three debates done and less than 2 weeks left. Yesterday I overheard a loud conversation at a table next to me: “Obama lied so many times last night, Romney has to win.” Glad that’s taken care of. On the way home we passed a car covered in bumper stickers. “Republicans oppose big…
Read MoreWho decides morality?
by Doug Wright Yesterday, supporters and opponents of “gay marriage” rallied around a fast food chicken sandwich provider — somewhat humorous when you think about it. You can express your convictions by eating on Wednesday or kissing on Friday. I will definitely be eating on Wednesday, and I might go Friday with my wife (female)…
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