Our post today points you to our Substack where we host the Proclaim & Defend podcast. As you may already know, we use the podcast…
Other than when a blizzard viciously whips the snow around trees and homes, snow usually falls slowly, taking its time to reach its destination. Gravity…
Many of you have been watching the story of Alistair Begg unfold over the last few weeks. Begg shared a story in a September 2023…
Previously I had blogged (here and here) that ministry stability and progress require unity in vision, mission, philosophy, and doctrine. I believe that Scott Aniol’s…
I recently finished a series of lessons in our adult Bible study class about human sexuality. Honestly, the series could have continued for at least…
Several years ago I wrote an article for P&D about the ministry of funerals for unbelievers. In this article I would like to focus on…
One sayes well; That Sermons Preached, are like Showers of Rains that Water for the Instant – But Sermons Printed, are like Snow that lies…
As we look at the problems of the seven local churches in Revelation 2-3, Pergamos is considered by most as the compromising church. The editors…
My personal ecclesiastical heritage stems from what I would call historical fundamentalism. While those two words together may not be the first phrase out of…
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as…
From Creation until the Tower of Babel incident recorded in Genesis 11 (around 2200 B.C.), mankind had one language and culture. When God confused mankind’s…
Nope. That’s what I thought growing up in church. When the end of the world comes, all clocks will stop. Revelation 10:6 seemed clear on…
Revelation 2 and 3 contain letters from Jesus Christ to the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. There has been a lot of speculation regarding the…
Our latest edition of FrontLine is called, “The God of Beauty.” We introduced this edition with Interview 20, where coordinating editor Mark Herbster laid out…
I have been studying 1 Kings, and it has been very interesting to read about the construction of the temple, especially after having studied the…
I’ve mentioned many times that I considered Elisabeth Elliot my “mentor from afar” for most of my adult life. I discovered her books in college,…
Richard Baxter (1615-1691) was one of the most influential pastors in church history. For nearly two decades, he labored as a Noncomformist pastor in the…
Paul speaks of the most remarkable gift to the believer having reminded his audience that the world by its own wisdom could not find out…
Our latest edition of FrontLine is called, “The God of Beauty.” We introduced this edition with Interview 20, where coordinating editor Mark Herbster laid out…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.