The concept of family stems from the Garden of Eden when God established the first marriage, and thus the first family unit. To be a…
I have returned home after a crazy week of travel, conference activities, and more travel at the end. Living on an island always adds an…
We are talking about the March/April 2024 edition of FrontLine called “Salt and Light in Your City and State.” Our host for this session is…
Whenever our family watches a movie, my husband or I often pause the movie to discuss ungodly behavior that is being normalized or at least…
A few years ago, my brother and I toured Sagamore Hill on Long Island, the home of Theodore Roosevelt. We then stopped at the nearby…
Extended before Jeremiah were the ruins of Jerusalem, with its streets strewn with rubble and the bodies of the dead in the midst. He spent…
Heart to Heart: Time to Land the Learjet This article is part of our May/June 2024 edition of FrontLine. We include with it a podcast…
In an article dated May 31, published by, Robb Brunansky said this about Christians and the dreaded month of June that comes every year.…
The Salty, Light-Bearing Church We are talking about the March/April 2024 edition of FrontLine called “Salt and Light in Your City and State.” Our host…
Click here to read part 1. Click here to read part 2. Working through the difficult interpretive decisions of James 5:13–18 is important, but let’s…
According to the Book of Judges, Abimelech, the son of Gideon, hired worthless and reckless men to follow him. (See Judges 9.) Together, they murdered…
Originally given as a workshop at the 50th Annual Conference of the Keystone Christian Education Association and as a breakout session at the 82nd Annual…
In Lamentations 3, the longest chapter in this small prophetic book, Jeremiah’s expressions take on a personal tone. The prophet lived to see all he…
In a May 28, 2024 article for Mere Orthodoxy, Matthew Loftus mourned the precipitous decline in church attendance among historic mainline denominations (read historically modernist…
Welcome to the Proclaim & Defend podcast. I’m Don Johnson. My duties on the podcast are light for the next few weeks as we have…
Click here to read part 1. In the previous post we began laying out two interpretations of James’ meaning in James 5:14–16 regarding prayer for…
“Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?” Originally given as a workshop at the 50th Annual Conference of the Keystone Christian Education Association and…
Sometimes the events of biblical prophecy are relatively simple. The foretold event occurs, and the prophecy is fulfilled. From that moment, it slips into the…
Our brief study of “The Lamentations of Jeremiah” continues today in Lamentations 2. The mention of “Zion” throughout this chapter is Jerusalem.1 The people of…
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Probably the most quoted…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.