President’s Report
My Plan or God’s Plan
Brenda Vaughn Brenda Vaughn is the wife of the FBFI President, Dr. John Vaughn. Our gracious Lord took her home to heaven at 12:30 AM, EDT, Monday, September 2, 2013. She wrote this piece in 2000. It was originally published at No Tears in Heaven. We republish it here by permission. After you read Brenda’s…
Read MoreBrenda Vaughn–home in heaven
Brenda Vaughn went peacefully home to be with her Lord at 12:32 A.M., EDT, while resting in Pastor Vaughn’s arms. But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. (Lam 3.32) UPDATE: For Facebook tributes and comments see here.
Read MoreThe Credibility of the Resurrection
John Vaughn R. A. Torrey called the resurrection of Jesus Christ “the cornerstone of Christian doctrine, the Gibraltar of Christian evidence, the Waterloo of liberalism.” And so it is. There are 11 recorded physical appearances of the risen Christ, making the Resurrection a well-established fact of history. Those who hold to the idea that He…
Read MoreThis is How We Know
Webster defines hermeneutics as “the science of interpretation; esp[ecially] the study of the principles of Biblical exegesis.” Nevertheless, a well-educated person may have no understanding of hermeneutics. In a conversation with a college professor from a well-known conservative (non-Christian) college, he challenged a clear interpretation of Scripture with the charge, “That’s your opinion.” When I…
Read MoreThe Gospel Is What Really Matters
John C. Vaughn God uses crises to redirect our lives. Bad news can open hearts to the Good News. The economy, the election, the erosion of the collective will of the West to face the threats to its future should wake us up to what we should have been doing all along and what we…
Read MoreFrontline Preview: The Critical Element in Discipleship
John C. Vaughn Discussions of discipleship should flow from the fountain of the Great Commission, for we know that the Great Commission is a command to make disciples. “Go, win, baptize, and teach” are words often used to summarize that commission, but at its heart is discipleship—the theme of this issue of FrontLine. Matthew’s statement…
Read MoreWhat Is at Stake in the Music Debate?
by John Vaughn Nothing seems to provoke dogmatic statements like dogmatic statements. Solomon said in Proverbs 15:1, “A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” The thoughts in this column are a sincere attempt at a soft answer, but they may still touch a nerve. Most of our controversies involve three…
Read MoreJack Schaap: No cause for Self-satisfaction
by John Vaughn For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17). Our fundamental Baptist world is being rocked by the Jack Schaap scandal. How are…
Read MoreDispensationalism and Faithfulness
by John C. Vaughn This article first published in FrontLine • July/August 2010. Click here to subscribe to the magazine. The Bible word “dispensation” means “economy, stewardship.” FrontLine magazine offers an opportunity to exercise faithful stewardship over Bible truth—in this issue, the truth of dispensationalism. As you begin to read this issue you will quickly…
Read MoreAfraid to Obey God’s Call
by John C. Vaughn Originally Published in FrontLine Jan/Feb 2010 Many years ago a young man came to see his pastor for counsel about his call to missions. He had told friends and family that God had called him to France and had sought the counsel of fellow church members who were on their way…
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