Last Sunday was our church’s Annual General Meeting. We always look forward to this meeting because, for us, it’s been a discipleship tool and a…
Some well-meaning believers promote tent-making as the preferred biblical pattern for pastors today. By “tent-making,” I am referring to an approach to pastoral ministry in…
As a fire service chaplain I have been exposed to extreme forms of crises most pastors never encounter. Frequently I have to minister to the…
Dead orthodoxy is still dead. It is not worth having. I am serious. A church that takes all the right positions, sings all the right…
Christian colleges face a growing danger from the tsunami-like changes in Western countries. The danger comes from the moral changes in the wider public and…
During the calendar year of most non-liturgical churches the Lord’s birth in Bethlehem is celebrated longer than any other aspect of his person or ministry,…
I’ve said it before. I get some of my most thought-provoking questions from emails. This emailer raised a number of issues about how Scripture impacts…
What is a helpmeet? Or, for that matter, what is a helpmate? According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, “helpmate” is “altered from helpmeet.” It is…
Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:…
A recent post by Dr. Bill Barrick brought up the topic of prophets and prophecy. Dr. Barrick’s theme is “The Authority of Scripture in the…
“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist,…
When you encounter a lion in the wild, how should you respond? According to prevailing advice, you should stand your ground. Do not run but…
We tend to make God in our own image—literally. Many conservative Christians find black depictions of Jesus in art as odd, a sort of self-serving…
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your LORD doth come. Matthew 24:42 It is traditional at this time of the year to reflect…
We observe a disturbing trend in the United States in recent years – the lowering of the average life expectancy. With no major war, continual…
False teachers, cult leaders and charlatans aren’t the only people who misuse Bible verses. Well-intended believers may do the same, but for different reasons. Perhaps…
It’s that time of year again. Time to select a Bible reading plan and get started once again. Here are some links to Bible reading…
As I drove down a street near my home last week, I saw him again. He is an older man with long flowing…
And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD…
When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem, he led an incredible building project. The walls of the city of Jerusalem, which had been destroyed years before, were…