A recent article by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian Univeristy is shocking. Barna’s latest research shows that only 51% of all faith voters…
We are talking about the July/August FrontLine on the theme, “God, the Christian, and Human Government.” For this interview I am speaking with Chaplain Gary…
Anyone who attempts to earn his own righteousness, however zealous he may be, carries out a fool’s errand. His attempts will only fail. Even using…
While the Bible does not speak directly to the issue of voting because elections didn’t exist in Bible times, a relevant passage that presents a…
Old Testament Israel recognized no separation between the civil order and the religious order. Israel was a theocracy, the Kingdom of God on earth. God…
“But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and stirred…
Previously: The Eleventh Commandment – Introduction The Eleventh Commandment – Authority The Eleventh Commandment – Exclusivity I’ve offered for our consideration John 13.34 as the…
Elon Musk calls himself a cultural Christian, so does famous atheist Richard Dawkins. This term—cultural Christian—means different things depending on who is using the term.…
We are talking about the July/August FrontLine on the theme, “God, the Christian, and Human Government.” For this interview I am speaking with Brian Collins…
Last month we examined the Proverbs 7 Woman. We saw a negative model to avoid. This week we are going to look at the Proverbs…
A Forgotten Doctrine When was the last time you heard a sermon about union with Christ? Union with Christ might be one of the most…
On Thursday, September 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene made landfall as a category four storm – the strongest hurricane to strike the Big Bend area of…
Previously: The Eleventh Commandment – Introduction The Eleventh Commandment – Authority Now Jesus is not only speaking forcefully here, but also exclusively. Let me point…
The battles over the fundamentals of the faith that ravaged every major ecclesiastical body in the 1920s are repeated in the 2020s but over different…
Today, we present the final preaching session from our 2024 annual meeting held at Tri-Cities Baptist Church in Westminster, Colorado. The theme for our meeting…
Editor’s Note: This post was written during Hurricane Irma in 2017. Its message will encourage us today and especially those affected by Hurricane Helene. —…
It was our Senior year of High School. And it was finally announced. The dreaded Bible project we had all heard the upperclassman talk about…
As we open our Bibles to John 13, we find a passage that is pulsating with love. The chapter opens with the words, “Having loved…
In Part 1 of this series, I sought to highlight a situation in the general world I’m calling “Conservative Christian Music.” My intention was not,…
I was driving down the highway recently and I saw a decorated vehicle in the distance in front of me. It had white streamers taped…