Can you guess what my favorite television program was as a child? Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood! I appreciated how he spoke in a gentle, patient manner…
By every indicator, historic, mainstream fundamentalism is a shrinking movement. Churches are shrinking. Fellowships are shrinking. Mission agencies are shrinking. Schools have closed and those…
One of the noblest characters in scripture is Saul’s son Jonathan. He is an example of the spirit of self-sacrifice that we honor on Memorial…
In part 1 of this post, we introduced the interpretive problem of Psalm 91 and examined some less than satisfactory answers to that riddle. In…
Psalm 91 is arguably one of the most beautiful chapters in all of the Bible. I remember being drawn to it as a kid when…
When you’re not sure how to pray for other Christians, you should follow the example of Paul by thanking God for them (Eph 1:15-16). You…
Please click here for an audio version of this message. What will you do when trouble comes? How will you confront health calamities and career…
Churches are starting to meet again. Some began last Sunday, for us it is this weekend, and others in the coming weeks. Courts have ruled…
Author’s Note: I published this on my blog about seven years ago. It seems timely for us to revisit this psalm. – JO Hear my…
An unexpected crisis, a frustrating detour, or a messy stumbling-block, can send us into a tailspin. Things like pandemics really play havoc with our 21st…
At the outset of the present quarantine, everything was bizarre, electric, and controversial. People filled their time arguing over lethality, R₀ rates, and balancing lives…
How many times have you heard someone say this about the word all? “All means ‘all’ and that’s all that all means?” While this is…
I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and…
Americans have always placed a premium on individualism. But, in the Coronavirus pandemic, we have carried individualism to a new level. To avoid going out,…
Many Americans received their stimulus checks last week.1 If you haven’t received yours yet, it will be arriving soon. What will you do with this…
How long, O you sons of men, will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood? Selah. (Psalm…
Regretting transgenders, victims of abuse, PTDS sufferers, anyone feeling damaged in mind and body—this passage of scripture is for you. It’s Isaiah’s message of hope…
“I am the bomb…” —C.S. Lewis, Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics I’ve been slowly working my way through Letters of C. S. Lewis…
When we consider the state of our world — full of fear, frustration, overreaching government, faithlessness, clamoring media, vicious politics, neighbors set against neighbors, restrictions,…
Have you heard of any good medicines? Some recent advertisements have touted treatments that are supposed to be good for you. But after you hear…