The day is coming soon when we as believers will have to choose to obey God over human government. It is a choice that the…
In reading through the book of Daniel, it is obvious that Bible prophecy is unique. There is no other religious book on Earth that even…
Review: Alive to the Purpose: The Readerly Reading of Scripture (Greenville, SC: JourneyForth, 2020) Reviewed by Brendon Johnson If the Bible is the rule of…
We had a rather strange event in our family last week as one of our sons was married. The fact that he married a lovely…
This decision has enormous implications for Christian Higher Education, especially institutions that are not under the umbrella of a local church or denomination. Our greatest…
Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be…
How do we communicate the gospel in a winsome and compelling manner to a post-Christian culture? I doubt that most of us need to be…
In a long, extended sentence, Paul demonstrated how to pray for other believers (Eph 1:15-21). First, he thanked God for those believers who came to…
A few weeks ago, my wife and I welcomed our third daughter, Lucy Virginia, into the world. It was an excruciating yet thrilling experience, and…
See if any of this sounds familiar. First, imagine a time of tremendous prosperity for your country – the like of which the world has…
I have been getting some requests to say something about the social unrest and the racial tension that grips our country right now. I hesitate…
You are a Christian pastor. You have dedicated your life to preaching the gospel, giving men and women answers for their questions, comfort for their…
Psalm 120 is first among 15 consecutive psalms titled, A Song of Ascents. Psalm 127 is in the middle of these psalms and is attributed…
Words cannot do justice to the tragedy and devastation our nation has experienced over the past month. Within the pressure-cooker of the Coronavirus pandemic we…
Twenty years ago almost no reputable college, university, or seminary offered distance education. In fact, “distance ed” was one of the marks of a diploma…
This is not a political article. There are no political answers to the mess in which we find ourselves. Isaiah 59 describes Judah in eerily…
Recently I watched an intriguing YouTube video by bass player and composer Adam Neely called “Learning to Like Contemporary Christian Music (the music I hate).”…
Armchair sociologists are already calling them “Generation C.” A recent article in The Atlantic, put it this way: “Generation C Has Nowhere to Turn: Recent…