When you sit down to eat with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you; And put a knife to your throat If you are a man given to…
This week our theme came to be the roles of men and women in our various relationships, especially concerning ordination to Christian ministry. Recent controversy…
Does the Bible allow women to be pastors and preachers? The recent ordination of three women to pastoral ministry at Saddleback Church in California makes…
[Editor’s note: This article first appeared in FrontLine in 2013, and we republished it here on P&D in 2014. Since women’s ordination is once again in…
Some issues in theological discourse just never go away. Supporters on one side or the other are committed and tenacious in the articulation and defense…
1 Timothy 1:18-20 This passage is a very personal commission given from Paul to Timothy. However, it is also the commission that is laid upon…
I recently completed Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley’s best-seller about the six U.S. Marines who raised the flag on top of Mt. Suribachi during…
Our jobs and careers are a major part of our lives. In 2019, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics conducted an American Time Use Survey.…
Has God preserved a fixed master copy of the Scriptures? God has preserved His written Word. We have the Bible. But He has done so…
From the time Emily and I first knew we were expecting, we sang “Jesus Loves Me” to our daughter Evelyn. She heard it in the…
We live in a culture where people like to wear tags, and especially what to “identify” according to specific groups and preferences. Some want…
Have you ever been hurt by something someone said? Or even worse, have you hurt someone deeply by something you blurted out? Maybe that heartache…
The “fruit of the Spirit” passage is one of those so familiar to us that we often take little time to think about it. When…
What do we need God to tell us? The Word of God gives us everything God wants us to know. We call this the sufficiency…
David should have helped Goliath? Lexus has recently produced a new, scripturally ignorant commercial. Empathy means not “David versus Goliath, but David helping Goliath.” (here) …
As Christians, we are as adept at putting on a show as the Pharisees of old. Only God accurately searches our hearts and knows who…
Daniel 11:21-29 How can we live in a stable, confident manner when our nation is shaken by assassinations, fraudulent leaders, diplomatic intrigue, military force and…
Sure, Scripture is nice to have. But is it necessary? Yes. Scripture is necessary. We need it. One dictionary of theological terms I checked gave…
“Pastor, I need to ask you a question.” Can we talk privately, please? The next few steps from the public to the privacy of my…