Periodic self-evaluation is not a bad thing. Sometimes in our lives, we notice a spiritual digression we need to adjust. Perhaps our devotional life needs…
The recent death of Pete Rose has rekindled a decades-old debate about his place in the Baseball Hall of Fame. “Charlie Hustle” was indisputably one…
Jordan Petersen is doing a series on the Gospels on the Daily Wire. The discussion panel consists of Jordan Peterson (a Canadian psychologist and social…
Our episode this time turns to the November/December edition of FrontLine, which came out on this theme: The Thinking Christian. Our first interview is with…
Ever since its inception, Israel has never been a fully believing nation. Some of the Israelites were believers, however. Abraham has always had a spiritual…
At the close of a recent church service a teenager told me, “I had a hard time staying awake while you were preaching.” I did…
Part of Christian parlance is to speak of “the ministry” or “the minister” to refer to a set of professional religious activities and the professionals…
I’m assuming you have read my previous article, Following Christ Together: Solitary Christianity is Not Genuine Christianity. What did you think of it? I envisioned…
The Thinking Christian: Biblical Wisdom in an Emotionally Driven World FRONTLINE Volume 34 • Number 6 From my earliest memories, Thanksgiving and Christmas have been some…
This is the last of three parts in a series. For the first and second posts, click here and here. The Trial of Your Faith…
Thanksgiving. “Praise is the rent we owe to God, and the larger the farm the larger the rent. The Lord has many fine farms from…
Sober and sombre are differentiated by just one letter, but they mean very different things.1 “Sober,” in modern usage, means “not drunk”. Its fuller meaning is “clear-thinking, serious-minded,…
As a pastor in Australia, there are two questions I must constantly answer in conversation: “What is the gospel?” and “What is a church?” I…
Many people will be giving thanks this week—and probably a number who refuse to do so depending on their view of the recent elections. Believers…
In today’s session we are talking to Mark Swedberg, veteran missionary in Brazil. He wrote an article for our September/October FrontLine called “Revelation: When Does…
This is the second of three parts in a series. For the first post, click here. An Inheritance Reserved in Heaven Peter further explains that…
Let’s imagine we took children seriously. What would that look like? To be serious-minded regarding our children would be to fully understand their nature and…
While Grover Cleveland is not remembered as one of America’s great presidents, there are a couple of distinctions that make him unique among the forty-five…
It was news nationwide, The elders at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas announced this week that lead preacher Steven J. Lawson had been removed from…
This is the first of three parts in a series. Contemporary Americans evidence a disturbingly shallow knowledge of the Bible. Unfortunately, even professing Christians are…