Given the important abortion case before the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) this week, I thought I’d make some comments about the abortion issue. I’ll make…
Twice a week I sit with ten or more 17 and 18-year-olds and let them ask any question they want about the faith—freely—no question is…
Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. And a certain man lame from…
When someone sins against you, how should you fight your inner impulse to return evil for their evil? How can you respond without getting revenge?…
The 2004 movie The Village depicts a community completely sealed off from the outside world in order to protect its inhabitants from the dangers beyond,…
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD (Isaiah 55:8). Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever…
Typically, religious indifferentism espouses the idea that all religions and religious positions are equally valid. There is a modified version of this that affirms the…
Dr. Alexander Whyte of Edinburgh, Scotland, was famous for his pulpit prayers which always included words of thanksgiving. One stormy morning a member of the…
After a lengthy discussion of the need for and basis of justification by grace through faith in Christ (i.e., salvation or conversion), Paul now explains…
A Lesson in Maturity and Patience In Philippians 3:15, after a lengthy treatment discussing the supreme importance of following Jesus Christ, Paul writes, “Let those…
Two weeks ago, I quoted Beale’s History of Fundamentalism where Dr. Beale made the claim that Steve Pettit has led BJU into broader evangelicalism. I…
Years ago the God-Is-Dead Movement began. This theological position did not argue that God had died; it was more the idea that man had created…
Just days before Christmas of 1970, a package arrived at my home, addressed to me. As a child, of course, I received very little mail,…
Many of you have had the experience of visiting an aquarium or terrarium. In the aquarium tank, you may have seen divers go in to…
Every evangelical church I’m aware of places its belief regarding the Bible first in its Statement of Faith. Article I of our church’s confession says:…
Our mouths are moving. Our tongues are wagging. The words coming out of our mouths sound familiar to each of us, but we do not…
September/October 2021 | VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 5 Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee? (Ps. 85:6) Throughout the…
When we get away from biblical thinking, fail to communicate with our spouse, and blame one another for our failures, we lay groundwork for increased…
Alcohol Explained, by William Porter manufactured by, Bolton, ON, n.d. William Porter is, by his own description, “a middle-aged lawyer” who gave up drinking…
One short quote in David Beale’s excellent new book Christian Fundamentalism in America is getting a lot of attention, After being the premier Fundamentalist academic…