We had a deacon’s meeting this week in which we rejoiced in the financial blessings God has given our congregation through a very uncertain economic…
One cannot help being somewhat repulsed at the strikingly short-sighted response of King Hezekiah recorded in 2 Kings 20:19. “Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah, Good…
God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). During the week, how much time…
Titus 3:12-15 At the risk of over-stereotyping, please allow me to suggest that typical Midwestern Americans (and Americans in general) tend to function in an…
Revelation 3:1-7 How can we come back from the dead? What steps would we, as a church, take to return from near lifelessness? We can…
The Arizona Democratic party this weekend censured Senator Kyrsten Sinema for not voting to get rid of the Senate filibuster—a parliamentary practice that has been…
There lurks within every human heart an intractable rebel, bent on refusing the rightful lordship of Jesus Christ. There is, of course, no answer to…
Some of this blog’s readers have known me for many years, but I’m quite sure you didn’t know this: I was once a secret agent…
When Christians speak about open doors, we often mean something different than when Scripture uses this phrase. In Scripture, “open doors” usually refers to –…
Recently, I came across a fascinating article entitled, “The U.S. Birthrate Has Dropped Again. The Pandemic May Be Accelerating the Decline.” There are a variety…
[This is an article worth reading for any student of recent Christian history and the relationship of fundamentalism and evangelicalism to an increasingly hostile culture. …
Bible verses, in and of themselves, are a good thing. What about printing them on t-shirts, bumper stickers, fast drink cups, socks, underwear, or baby…
What makes a thing “sacrilegious and blasphemous”? We’ve seen the terms connected to recent events. Much of the ensuing discussion expresses dismay at the actions…
Over three decades serving as a pastor I have had opportunity to witness many trends and fads in church life. Terms like “seeker” and “emergent”…
It was the day of my dad’s open heart surgery when I received a prophecy that would come true 12 years later. The heart surgeon…
FrontLine | November/December 2021 | VOLUME 31 | NUMBER 6 Welcome to Dispensationalism! “Dispensationalism” is a big word, and people struggle to understand its meaning.…
I don’t know for sure. Maybe you do. One danger Christians face today is the tendency to approach scientific debates theologically. I am not talking…
If you follow the Shepherd’s Conference or John MacArthur’s ministry, you may be aware of an email circulated under the auspices of the Shepherd’s Conference…
How would you respond if one day you turned on the news and the coverage was about your church? The story was not about any…
The apostle Paul, seeking to help his son in the faith, wrote to Timothy, “The servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle…