According to the AARP, “Among married Americans, 58 percent of women age 75 and older experience widowhood, compared to 28 percent of men. An astonishing…
Do you ever chafe at the routine things you have to do? Some days I am irked at having to take a shower. I know,…
“The ministry would be fun if it wasn’t for people!” This was said to me in jest and attempted humor many years ago. There are…
What is wrong with the American political scene? Why is there so much corruption and confusion? Why do our leaders seem to be so blind…
In his marvelous little book, How to Say No to a Stubborn Habit [i], Erwin Lutzer explains why people who have gotten the victory…
A reporter once asked John D. Rockefeller, “How much money is enough?” The world’s first billionaire gave his famous reply: “Just a little bit more.”…
[Ed. Note: Currently, according to liturgical calendars, we are in the season of Lent. We sent out a request for comment to our writer’s pool…
FrontLine Volume 33 • Number 1 According to the Bible, sin and death are inextricably linked. Paul tells us, “By one man sin entered into…
[Ed. Note: This year, Ash Wednesday occurred last week, February 22. We sent out a request for comment to our writer’s pool on the whole…
There are lots of reasons why people struggle with sleep and lots of them are modern in their origin—screen time right before bed, too…
The worldwide release of a new film entitled Jesus Revolution is set for today, February 24, 2023. The film is based on a book by…
The Apostle Paul thanked God greatly for the evident grace in the lives of the Corinthian believers (I Corinthians 1:4). Even so, as often is…
As part of a study on why it is becoming increasingly difficult for churches to find young pastoral candidates, the president of Barna Research, David…
I recently took in a podcast from the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood titled “Should We Call God Mother?” I commend the whole session…
As I preach through the book of Nehemiah, I am reminded of repeated conversations I had with my father over the years. I learned a…
In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Paul moves from doctrine to application, beginning in chapter four. After an exquisite detailing of our position in Christ…
FrontLine Volume 32 • Number 6 Prayer: Putting It into Practice Few topics are more important to the Christian life than prayer. At the same…
According to Barna Research, half of all American pastors are 55 years old or older. Pastors 40 years old and younger constitute only 15 percent…
F. W. Boreham described the time when he tried to comfort a distressed woman in an Australian railway station. Upon leaving the train she discovered…
Like wildfire, news services across the country have become infatuated with a revival that is occurring on the campus of Asbury College in Kentucky.…