by Don Johnson An occasional series on sanctification — Part 1 is here. In my first article on sanctification, I discussed God’s Strategy for Sanctification,…
by Don Johnson Scandals come and scandals go, but internet rumour mongers abide forever. Or so it seems. If you were a vigilant Googler (is…
As a follow up to our recent article, “Ministering in Love to Homosexuals”, by Matt Recker, we offer this special edition of Around the Web…
by Matt Recker Recently, I was confronted with a challenging statement followed by some questions that deserve answers: “Many Christians fight hard against gay rights…
A popular perspective of movements shaping fundamentalism from 1880s to the 1920s, being a lightly edited transcript of a series of lectures given for the…
On John MacArthur Review of Iain Murray biography of John MacArthur from Banner of Truth: John MacArthur – A Review by Jeffrey Riddle – Note: this…
by Charles Phelps The past 40 years are marked by major worship wars. Music is now a primary battlefield within America’s evangelical congregations. In his…
Voyle Glover came to our attention this week after the horrible Jack Schaap story of adultery and possible abuse came into the news. Bro. Glover…
General News of Interest: Why Obama’s support for same-sex marriage won’t hurt him among African Americans – This article from the Washington Post confirms what…
by John Vaughn For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what…
by Matt Recker New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn Christine Quinn is not only one of the New York State’s most powerful politicians, but…
A popular perspective of movements shaping fundamentalism from 1880s to the 1920s, being a lightly edited transcript of a series of lectures given for the…
Tragedy in Indiana: The USA Today account of the fall of Jack Schaap. Jack Schaap has long been a controversial figure in our circles, publishing…
By Don Johnson A lot of ink (and pixels) has been spilled over the years on the subject of sanctification. Having recently completed a lengthy…
A popular perspective of movements shaping fundamentalism from 1880s to the 1920s, being a lightly edited transcript of a series of lectures given for the…
by Doug Wright On Monday I intentionally ate a Chick-fil-A sandwich. I chose to eat at Chick-fil-A as a show of support for Dan Cathy,…
A popular perspective of movements shaping fundamentalism from 1880s to the 1920s, being a lightly edited transcript of a series of lectures given for the…
How Faith Works: The volcanic issue of “Lordship Salvation” is still emitting the smoke and fumes of controversy.This article is republished from 1989. We link…
by Don Johnson This article was written for a young man and a young woman who are now the parents of the author’s one and…