John Mincy Note: this article is submitted in connection with our recent Policy Statement on Marriage and Sexual Morality. (The following is an attempt to…
by Elmer L. Rumminger How Should a Christian Family Deal With Pornography On Television? This article first appeared in the first issue of the magazine,…
David Potter Note: this article is submitted in connection with our recent Policy Statement on Marriage and Sexual Morality. I wrote some of my thoughts…
Thomas Overmiller All kinds of media clamor for your attention – news, social buzz, marketing, movies, music, books, gaming, and gossip. They utilize an overwhelming…
The sermons for the annual meeting are now up, workshops will follow, probably sometime next week. For the whole series, click here. For individual messages…
by Elmer L. Rumminger How Should a Christian Family Deal With Pornography On Television? This article first appeared in the first issue of the magazine,…
David Potter An evaluation of the ministry of Liviu Olah The Romanians in the United States were not as receptive to Olah’s message of repentance,…
At our 2013 Annual Meeting, the Executive Board of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International unanimously authorized several position statements. These statements represent the viewpoint of…
This report is slightly delayed due to travel considerations. The 93rd Annual Conference of the FBFI has closed. It was a tremendous meeting, very profitable…
One of the blessings we like to stress about the FBFI is the word “fellowship”. Our Annual Meetings are a prime opportunity for fellowship, making…
The FBFI Annual meeting began Tuesday evening at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa, with a an excellent service filled with…
by Elmer L. Rumminger How Should a Christian Family Deal With Pornography On Television? This article first appeared in the first issue of the magazine,…
David Potter At the end of 1973, Olah was called to be an assistant to Nicolae Covaci, pastor of the Second Baptist Church of Oradea…
by Elmer L. Rumminger How Should a Christian Family Deal With Pornography On Television? This article first appeared in the first issue of the magazine,…
The Eclectic Web Our lead story has this headline: God too big for one religion. So says Baptist pastor Joe Phelps. He is the pastor…
Troubled Journey A Missionary Childhood in War-torn China By Faith Cook Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 2004 Book review by David Potter How should…
Thomas Overmiller A couple of years ago, a missionary on the field sent me two questions: (1) What is preaching? (2) How does preaching differ…
David Potter Transylvania would not seem to be the likeliest place to search for heroes, much less for Baptist heroes, but two outstanding servants of…
Don Johnson Is it just me, or are the issues we most argue about today in the separation debates largely focused on cultural questions? Whether…
Andy Rupert During first-century battles, “the Roman soldier wore a bronze helmet equipped with cheek pieces. The helmet was a heavy decorative and expensive item…