Thomas Overmiller Do you tend to appreciate one style of preaching over another? How do you respond to a methodical teaching approach? What about a…
Don Johnson Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a figure often touted by evangelicals as a Christian martyr. He was the German pastor who was executed by the…
In this edition, The Eclectic Web takes you to a couple of interesting links about modern Bible study, as well as other items of interest.…
Article review by Don Johnson ‘Secondary Separation’ is a bad word for many North American Christians. The critics of fundamentalism use it as a pejorative…
Clay Nuttall Most of us older folks can recite the nursery rhyme about Humpty Dumpty, which begins “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty…
Don Johnson There is plenty of trouble and heartache to go around in this world. It comes unbidden into every life, one way or another,…
Many of our readers will have heard the news we were stunned by from our weekend post, Prayer Request: Colonial Hills Baptist Church bus overturns.…
Please pray for the pastor and people of Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. 3 dead after bus carrying teens returning from camp crashes…
A review by Brian Collins Baker, Hunter. The End of Secularism. Wheaton: Crossway, 2009. Hunter Baker’s The End of Secularism provides a good introduction to…
Don Harrelson A little while ago, Proclaim & Defend asked our writer’s pool for book recommendations for our readers. In particular, we are interested in…
A review by Brian Collins Synan, Vinson. The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997. In chapter one of The…
Thomas Overmiller Which best portrays your life– a pinball game or a chess match? Daniel describes the pinball lifestyle distinctly when he says, “Many shall…
In our wandering around the internet, we find items that may interest our readers. In this edition, we stumble across a series of posts on…
Jim Oesterwind We all have a desire to pray so that we see God working continuously in our lives and answering our prayers. Yet I…
The Transit Center at Manas, in the Kyrgyz Republic, sees thousands of troops passing through to Afghanistan. The following list of items include personal things…
Don Johnson The great William Tyndale gave us most of our English Bible. He is credited with a quote about desiring to make the Bible…
Kevin Bauder reports at Religious Affections that the board of the Minnesota Baptist Association has withdrawn its approval of Northland International University.
by Elmer L. Rumminger How Should a Christian Family Deal With Pornography On Television? This article first appeared in the first issue of the magazine,…
Brian Collins This review pertains to the articles found in Bibliotheca Sacra rather than the book by the same author with the same name. It…
The Eclectic Web, June 28, 2013 Leading off the Eclectic Web today is an excellent piece by Al Mohler of Southern Seminary in Louisville: “Waiting…