C. Matthew Recker The popularity of various evangelical ‘stars’ flows largely from popular conferences and publications. Often, little is known of the ministries behind the…
Ben Strohbehn A father was one day teaching his little boy what manner of man a Christian is. When the lesson was finished, the father…
The Mike Unruh family of Garden City, KS are in need of your prayers. A natural gas explosion in their home took the life of…
Doug Wright The perception among many Christian families is that their young people are too “sheltered.” Christian parents have the idea that if their young…
William Ward Ayer This editorial speaks to the condition of the church in former days, but it sounds contemporary in many ways. Millions of God’s…
At our annual meeting we always have outstanding men and women present good material in workshop sessions. My great regret is that I am unable…
More on SBC: Ken Silva weighs in on the Southern Baptist non-decision we mentioned last week. This is a serious matter. Churches and Christians who…
The annual meeting has come and gone. What a tremendous week of fellowship it was! Special thanks to the hosts, Faith Baptist Church of Taylors,…
The Eclectic Web – SBC edition Two articles regarding the Southern Baptist Convention indicate that no action will be taken about a recent controversy over…
Doug Wright Just before Jesus walked on water the disciples had participated in the “feeding of the 5000” in Bethsaida. When the bread and fish…
H. A. Ironside (From Charge That To My Account by H. A. Ironside, Copyright, 1931, by The Bible Institute Colportage Association of Chicago) Part One…
H. A. Ironside This is Part One ♦ Part Two (From Charge That To My Account by H. A. Ironside, Copyright, 1931, by The Bible…
Eclectic Web – special edition In this excursion into eclectica, we will focus on just one issue: inerrancy. Perhaps no issue is more important to…
Guye Johnson Edited from the files of the late Grace W. Haight O worship the King, all·glorious above, And gratefully sing His power and His…
Don Johnson Recently I had the privilege of baptizing three young men upon their professions of faith. This is one of the great joys and…
We often provide links to “news of the day” sites here on The Eclectic Web. These may have some value, although by the time we…
Emmett L Williams From Part 1: Is Science Bad? Many Fundamentalists look askance at anyone with a scientific background. Immediately the theory of evolution looms…
FBFI Chaplain CH (LCDR) Tavis Long opens Congress in prayer, May 19, 2014
Emmett L Williams Is Science Bad? Many Fundamentalists look askance at anyone with a scientific background. Immediately the theory of evolution looms in their minds.…
The New Face of Mormonism Excerpt: Fifty years ago, when church planters came to the “Mormon West” with the gospel and a desire to plant…