Reviewed by Don Johnson Fortson, S. Donald, and Rollin Gene Grams. Unchanging Witness: The Consistent Christian Teaching on Homosexuality in Scripture and Tradition. Nashville: B…
George Stiekes Honor thy father and thy mother. Exodus 20:12 One of the ways Old Testament children were to honor their parents was with financial…
George Stiekes Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exodus 20:8 This commandment appears to be the easiest to observe. It certainly makes sense…
Matthew Johnson A personal testimony in honor of our all-sufficient God. A throw-back post… I wrote this poem back in 2009. That was a tough…
Gordon Phillips God charges a preacher with specific responsibilities in His church. The Apostle Paul tells Timothy about this charge in 2 Timothy 4:1-4, I…
Don Johnson You’ve probably heard enough about this topic, but the battle our culture is in goes far beyond the question of who has the…
George Stiekes Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain (Exodus 20:7). The Hebrew word translated “in vain” can refer…
George Stiekes Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Exodus 20:4 Based on the first commandment, this one just makes sense. If we…
God Made us Either Male or Female Matt Recker I woke up today and asked myself, what in the world is going on in North…
George Stiekes Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Exodus 20:3 There were three different branches of the Law:
Don Johnson My title sounds a bit formal, but I mean for this article to be more of a personal testimonial to my own dear…
Matt Recker Luke 2:35 Simeon prophecies that Mary’s motherhood will be accompanied by a piercing sword of sorrow to her soul. How could this SINLESS…
George Stiekes Exodus 20:20 And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that His fear may be…
Andy Rupert Have you ever read the Book of Judges in the Bible? It is a sad departure from the victorious Book of Joshua. For…
George Stiekes By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. I John 2:3 Using the perfect tense,…
A Christian Response to “Same-Sex Marriage” and Same-Sex Attraction: Part 5 of 5. by Ken Endean In Part 4 I dealt with several key Bible…
A Christian Response to “Same-Sex Marriage” and Same-Sex Attraction: Part 4 of 5. by Ken Endean In part 3, I discussed the gift of human…
A Christian Response to “Same-Sex Marriage” and Same-Sex Attraction: Part 3 of 5. by Ken Endean In part 2, I stressed the theological basis for…
A Christian Response to “Same-Sex Marriage” and Same-Sex Attraction: Part 2 of 5. by Ken Endean In part 1, I discussed the rise of homosexual…