Matthew Recker In a Gospel Coalition article, Sam Storms has a piece entitled “Why I Changed My Mind on the Millennium.” He says that it…
Thomas Overmiller Perhaps we underestimate the potential for a child’s walk with God. A child can be born again (Matt. 18:3). (I was born again…
Thomas Overmiller Sometimes people ask me why we include children in our Sunday morning worship service, rather than send them to a separate program. The…
George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work Habakkuk 3:2 Wilbur Smith noted nine characteristics of revival in the Old Testament:
Wally Morris Definition of “solitude”: being alone or isolated; cut off voluntarily or involuntarily from other people, entirely by oneself, standing apart from the rest…
Thomas Overmiller In a recent post, I emphasized the importance of encouraging children to cultivate a personal walk with God. In the opening lines, I…
George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work Habakkuk 3:2 It has been stressed that prayer is the major key to revival — serious, intense, persistent…
Don Johnson I follow a scientific website for news and insights into our ever-changing world. At a minimum, I find that I can pick up…
Thomas Overmiller God is always good to his people, all the time. That’s what David affirms in Psalm 73:1. But in doing so, he makes…
George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work Habakkuk 3:2 Last week, we noted that real revival is preceded with frequent, serious, often intense prayer. Revival…
Don Johnson The apostle Paul, in the first chapter of 1 Timothy opens with an exhortation to teach “no other doctrine.” He elaborates on this…
Wally Morris Should we accept that a moral issue has reached the point where continuing to fight for Biblical standards is not a wise use…
Matt Recker Mark 9:14-29 We do well to never minimize the reality of the devil, his demons, and their work in the world at any…
Warren Vanhetloo Differences and distinctions are common throughout the world. An important division of the human race is male or female. A significant division in…
George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work – Habakkuk 3:2. This phrase is taken from a prayer by the prophet Habakkuk. Hearing what the Lord…
Michael Riley A sound church must be committed to meaningful church membership. This is not a popular topic in our day, for at least a…
Matt Recker Matthew 14:30 Peter was confident he could walk on the water to go to Jesus, if indeed that was Jesus walking on the…
Taigen Joos Having lived in New England for over 16 years now, I have had the opportunity to visit many churches in the region. I…
Matthew Recker Andy Stanley is the pastor of North Point Ministries, a church attended by about 30,000 people each week. On December 3, he preached…
George Stiekes The believer’s responsibility with regards to reaching the lost must begin with prayer. Paul makes this very clear in I Timothy 2:1-4: I…