Writers employ much ink and many pixels, attempting to answer this question. Defining such things as evangelicalism (and fundamentalism) is difficult. We are attempting to…
Why do people who know and follow God still suffer excruciating things? This piercing question haunted Job after he had suffered the devastating loss of…
The Scriptures Counsel by Establishing Correct Behavior Finally, God’s Word “trains” or “disciplines in righteousness” (πρὸς παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ, 2 Tim 3:16d). The training…
I was hunting Saturday—sitting under a tree near a water hole waiting for an elk to wander in–when I began getting texts from pastor friends…
Introduction Christians disagree over what Scripture teaches on the millennium. Those that hold to amillennialism don’t think Scripture teaches a future earthly reign of Christ…
I received an invitation to speak for a weekend conference for men, discussing our roles in the family and the church. Topics like this kill…
The Scriptures Correct by Exposing Aberrant Behavior “Correction” (ἐπανόρθωσιν, 2 Tim 3:16c) is used in the sense of “setting something right,” most likely with reference…
Last week, candidate for the Democratic nomination for president, Beto O’Rourke, drew headlines for announcing that churches should lose their tax-exempt status for opposing same-sex…
In a recent debate, Democratic candidate Beto O’Rourke was asked about whether churches, colleges, and religious institutions should lose their tax-exempt status for opposing…
In the Bible, the term “signs and wonders” occurs approximately twenty-nine times. The Old Testament references almost exclusively refer to the birth of Israel under…
Substitutes are a part of life. Whether you have a substitute teacher, a sub in a sporting event or you substitute applesauce for vegetable oil…
Some charismatic teaching indicates that a person must undergo a separate experience of receiving (or being baptized with) the Holy Spirit sometime after conversion. To…
The Scriptures Convict by Exposing Incorrect Belief Paul’s unique choice of words (ἐλεγμός) which occurs only here in the NT has the sense of “rebuke”…
In a Dallas courtroom this week an 18-year-old young man hugged his brother’s killer and forgave her, just after she received a ten-year prison sentence…
Is Christ Jewish? Does God’s plan for the future include the Jewish people? Does Christ have a present interest in His chosen people, or has…
The book of Proverbs provides a compelling collection of wisdom from God’s perspective. This wisdom equips a person to make good choices and avoid bad…
The non-ending Brexit story propels me back to the time when the European Union introduced the Euro. It was a dramatic first at the time—multiple…
Paul declares that all Scripture is “profitable” or “useful” (ὠφέλιμος; 2 Tim 3:16) in the sense of yielding a practical benefit (1 Tim 4:8; Titus…
A Romanian gentleman gave his personal testimony for membership in our church a week ago. His name is Pavel. His personal testimony was touching to…
War and Grace: Short Biographies of the World Wars (Click for Amazon link) 2005: EP Books by Don Stephens War and Grace is a light…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.