Part 1 ♦ Part 2 ♦ Part 3 ♦ This is Part 4 ♦ Part 5 ♦ Part 6 ♦ Part 7 Matt Recker World Magazine reported recently that “Seattle’s…
Brian Collins Orthodoxy is challenged on many points. One point of interest is the question of the reality of the serpent in the Garden of…
Clay Nuttall For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers,…
Don Johnson As a final follow-up to my piece on What to do When Your Church Leaves You, I want to talk about the ethics…
New Evangelicalism and New Calvinism: The Same Disaster: Part 3 Part 1 ♦ Part 2 ♦ This is Part 3 ♦ Part 4 ♦ Part 5 ♦ Part 6 ♦…
Bob Jones First in importance and in prominence among nineteenth century evangelists was Dwight Lyman Moody. Moody was born in Northfield, Massachusetts, February 5, 1837.…
Don Johnson Recently, I wrote on the subject, What to do When the Church Leaves You. The article generated a fair amount of interest and…
New Evangelicalism and New Calvinism: The Same Disaster: Part 2 Matt Recker Part 1 ♦ This is Part 2 ♦ Part 3 ♦ Part 4 ♦ Part 5 ♦…
Submitted by John Mincy “This Metropolitan Tabernacle is a house of prayer most emphatically,” Dr. Pierson writes. “Here are numerous rooms, under and around the…
The Pentecostalism and Charismatic Movement have long been a concern for their popularization of aberrant beliefs and practices. Their influence on evangelicalism as it is…
Don Johnson I recently had a conversation with a friend who expressed his appreciation for Proclaim & Defend and other ministries of the FBFI. Of…
This is Part 1 ♦ Part 2 ♦ Part 3 ♦ Part 4 ♦ Part 5 ♦ Part 6 ♦ Part 7 Matt Recker The New Calvinism is a…
Christian blogger Jon Gleason rightly points out the danger in this story, Legal action against Christian bakers is ‘a crushing blow to religious liberty’ in…
C. Matthew Recker The popularity of various evangelical ‘stars’ flows largely from popular conferences and publications. Often, little is known of the ministries behind the…
Ben Strohbehn A father was one day teaching his little boy what manner of man a Christian is. When the lesson was finished, the father…
The Mike Unruh family of Garden City, KS are in need of your prayers. A natural gas explosion in their home took the life of…
Doug Wright The perception among many Christian families is that their young people are too “sheltered.” Christian parents have the idea that if their young…
William Ward Ayer This editorial speaks to the condition of the church in former days, but it sounds contemporary in many ways. Millions of God’s…
At our annual meeting we always have outstanding men and women present good material in workshop sessions. My great regret is that I am unable…
More on SBC: Ken Silva weighs in on the Southern Baptist non-decision we mentioned last week. This is a serious matter. Churches and Christians who…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.