Edited from the files of Grace W. Haight by Guye Johnson This hymn of strength and service challenges Christians entering a new year to march…
Don Johnson One reader sent us a note concerning this series of articles. With her permission, I am going to quote from her note in…
selections collected by John Mincy from Keeping The Heart by John Flavel (written in 1667) [Part One] [Part Two] This article concludes excerpts from Flavel’s…
Charles Wesley by George Collins After weathering a severe spiritual crisis, Charles Wesley found a verse in Psalm 40: “He hath put a new song…
selections collected by John Mincy from Keeping The Heart by John Flavel (written in 1667) [Part One] This article continues with some excerpts from Flavel’s wonderful…
Jim Oesterwind Genesis 37 begins the story of the fourth significant person in the second half of the book. His name is Joseph, the eleventh…
a peril of present times Don Johnson 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a…
selections collected by John Mincy from Keeping The Heart by John Flavel (written in 1667) This article is simply some excerpts from this wonderful little…
Don Johnson It’s the last day of the year so we’ll wrap up our posting for the year with this, sort of a summary of…
Matt Recker Luke 17:7-10 Part 3 In this final article on ten principles for Christian service, let’s first review the first seven points and then…
Fred Moritz Much confusion exists today over the answer to this question, “What is the Gospel?” We who believe the Bible can give a straightforward…
Matt Recker Luke 17:7-10 Part 2 We are considering ten principles for Christian service. The first three are: 1. Serve Christ: in a spirit of…
ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGIONAL MEETING of the FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL February 1-2, 2016 Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled due to inclement weather. A note…
Bobbie Yearick The pursuit for a quiet time with the Lord is a constant battle. Yet how we need this daily experience. One morning I…
Matt Recker Luke 17:7-10 Part 1 Serving God is wonderful and satisfying if we do it for God and not man, and if we do…
Jim Oesterwind “You are witnesses, and God also, how devoutly and justly and blamelessly we behaved ourselves among you who believe; as you know how…
Wally Morris We see it in the Old Testament – Pharaoh threatens Moses, Saul threatens David, Jezebel threatens Elijah, Asa imprisons Hanani. We see it…
Matt Recker Quran 9:5: But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them,…
Matt Recker Qur’an 5:32: Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for…
Don Johnson Earlier this year we published a series of articles on the Evangelical Theological Society, an organization in which some fundamentalists hold membership. Our…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.