With this podcast, we move to the May/June edition of FrontLine which had the theme, “A Future for Israel.” The focus of the magazine is…
{This post is a bit more personal, but I thought it might still be an encouragement to be reminded of God’s love and our great…
No one knows how to pronounce the covenant name of God. The form used by the majority of evangelicals today, “Yahweh”,is by no means certain,…
“Where are the leaders?” I don’t need to convince anyone that the church is facing a leadership crisis. In times like these, churches can be…
Recently, a church member emailed me questions prompted by a discussion with a coworker. What is meant by “means of grace?” What are the means…
Not long ago I preached on the four lists in Proverbs 30:8-32. Tucked among those lists is Proverbs 30:20 which says, This is the way…
Good people disagree over what happens to infants and the mentally disabled when they pass away before their “the age of accountability,” the age when…
In 1976, commemorations of America’s bicentennial were everywhere – in government, in education, and in entertainment. Brief cartoons appeared on Saturday mornings on children’s television…
Jesus was brought to Pilate for judgment by the chief priests and the people. The course and outcome of this assembly though foreordained by God…
In 1 Corinthians 12 the apostle Paul begins his important discussion of spiritual gifts within the context of the local church. In that discussion, Paul…
In the 1990s and into the early 2000’s the purity movement was all the rage among evangelicals. It was all about saving yourself for marriage.…
We are talking about the March/April 2024 edition of FrontLine called “Salt and Light in Your City and State.” Our guest today is pastor Taigen…
One final time, James addresses “my brethren” with pastoral concern. This seems to underlie his pastoral concern motivating the entire purpose of the letter. He…
William McKinley was president of the United States during the Spanish American War and led the nation out of an economic depression into a season…
Recently, I had a conversation with someone about a particular church practice for our corporate worship. It was an honest question, not intended to challenge…
A false balance is an abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight. (Proverbs 11:1) With all the “big” sin issues in…
We are talking about the March/April 2024 edition of FrontLine called “Salt and Light in Your City and State.” Our host for this session is…
Click here to read part 1. Click here to read part 2. Click here to read part 3. In James 5:17–18, James illustrates the power…
As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him. Colossians 2:6 The dictionary states that faith is “belief, trust, fidelity,…
When I conclude an in-depth evaluation of a personality like Jeremiah, I feel I am parting with a friend. The Scriptures, inspired by the LORD,…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.