Some time ago, I attended the funeral of a Christian gentleman who served his church as both deacon and choir director. Eulogies from family and…
The internet changed the topics I dip into. Some are more eclectic than others are. A recent e-zine I discovered has an article about the…
The old timers called it melancholy. Some today call it depression. Modern vernacular calls it the blues. Many face feelings of extreme sadness and melancholy during…
Stress has become a way of life for many today. We live in a world of stressed-out people. In the military environment, I have…
lament, n.: an expression of grief or sorrow; a formal expression of sorrow or mourning1 For many people, Christian or not, Christmas is a time…
Murders come in all kinds of ways. They come through violence. They come through domestic squabbles. They come through gang warfare. Unfortunately, records of murder…
Around the same time that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, another boy was born on the faraway untamed Iberian Peninsula (which we call Spain and…
I want to speak to local church leaders for a moment. Let’s talk to you about the spiritual and emotional health of your pastor.…
On October 17, the government of Canada legalized marijuana for recreational use. My purpose in this post is not to argue the political issue but…
A post card advertising a local church was delivered recently to my mail box. Printed on this card was a catchy slogan, “No judgment, just…
A Historical Survey As early as the second century, two contradictory trends had developed that would affect the doctrine of the church until the present…
Christians have idols that we love to hate, at least superficially, like materialism or pride. For some reason these are the idols that are the…
Two stories from the New York Times struck me this week. Arthur Brooks opened his story on Friday with the words, “America is suffering from…
The first mention of thanksgiving in the Bible comes in Leviticus 7, the concluding chapter of those outlining the Mosaic sacrificial system. The Bible calls…
1 Now thank we all our God with heart and hands and voices, who wondrous things has done, in whom his world rejoices; who from…
Part I: The Basis for Prudential Limits on Association1 There are many issues determined by direct Biblical statement or clear biblical principle. In such matters,…
As a boy, I regularly visited Birmingham Drugs on Woodward Avenue to spend hard-earned lawn mowing money on comic books and a Coca Cola. I…
Probably the most iconic Thanksgiving themed painting is Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom from Want” illustration produced as part of his “Four Freedoms” series. All those excited…
Is there something you wish you could bring back from past? Everybody has something they miss. Whether you find yourself reminiscing of dear people from…
“Billy Graham was perhaps the most significant religious figure of the 20th century, and the organizations and the movement he helped spawn continue to shape…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.