What is a Baptist? What is it about our “faith and practice” that distinguishes us from believers in other denominations? Chester Tulga served in years…
The Confessions of Jeremiah, part 3 Jeremiah 17:12-18 In this world of woe and war, we need a victorious vision. As Moses saw Him who…
I currently live in Detroit, Michigan, which has a significant Arab population. The cities of Dearborn and Hamtramck especially have substantial Arab communities, but even…
We are in a study of Baptist history in our church. Our study lasted just over a year, but we are down to the last…
On August 14, a New York Times article appeared under the title, “Gay Penguins and Their Hope for a Baby Have Enchanted Berlin” (here). Apparently,…
Becoming a common heartbreak for youth pastors are young people who, though having been reared in a Christian home, come up through years of Sunday…
Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is (Mark 13:33). For we are HIS WORKMANSHIP, created in Christ Jesus…
A Biblical Study on the Question of Multiple Pastors in a Church (Part Four of Four) As a church grows and/or as the spiritual and…
Isaiah 9:4-6 These days, our headlines are full of violence. There have been a number of news items about domestic strife and race-based violence. On…
Around here, school starts tomorrow, and I now have two teachers living in my house—one math, one science. It’s been a buzz of activity for…
Jeremiah 15:10-21 The Confessions of Jeremiah, part 2 Life is very painful and probably more painful than we thought it would be, but the Prophet…
FrontLine July/August 2019 | VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 4 As believers we have the privilege of magnifying the unique excellence of our God. When we…
A Biblical Study on the Question of Multiple Pastors in a Church (Part Three of Four) The NT teaches congregational polity. This means that authorities…
Since posting part 1 of this discussion, I have had the opportunity to listen to others, dig deeply, and gather a bit more insight into…
I was asked this question over Facebook recently. Is it wise for a church leader (whether it be elder, pastor, pastor’s wife, etc.,) to have…
I’m doing some preaching/teaching in our church about “thinking about Scripture,” or Christian meditation. In our day and age, you might get a little nervous…
Any pastor who has served for a period of years inevitably has counselled married couples who struggle in their marriage. The reasons for these struggles…
A Biblical Study on the Question of Multiple Pastors in a Church (Part Two of Four) While the NT does not require every church to…
I’ve had conversations with Christians, and heard missionaries or public speakers, who champion the idea of redeeming the culture. As best I understand, they mean…
I wrote most of this blog earlier in the week and I intended to discuss Josh Harris recantation of his views on dating and the…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.