The apostle Thomas sometimes gets a bad wrap because of his words the day of Christ’s resurrection, “Unless I see in his hands the mark…
“And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things says the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; I…
In 1943, a classics professor at Princeton named P. R. Coleman-Norton—according to his article in a peer-reviewed theology journal—visited a Moroccan mosque, where he saw…
Of course not. Obviously! Really? Are you sure? Our church has been involved in addictions ministries for a number of years now, but more people…
Sports fans can be strange. Really, any kind of fan can act in very strange ways because, after all, ‘fan’ is short for ‘fanatic’ and…
A lack of hydration and increased exposure to the elements can leave a person in a dangerous physical condition. As we noted in the previous…
This article comes from the Baptist World Mission Messenger, we republish by permission. In 1 Corinthians 14:8 the Apostle Paul, in challenging the church to…
The Bible is a timeless book, as helpful to people today as for those who lived when it was first penned. (Rom. 15:4; I Cor…
“Pastor, are vaccines the Mark of the Beast.” This was a sincere question from a church member about a year ago. My answer was definite.…
Our theme this year was “Revival.” Our speaker was Nathan Mestler, President of International Baptist College & Seminary of Chandler, AZ. On the theme, brother…
When summer comes with its higher temperatures, so also comes the possibility of heat exhaustion. A lack of hydration and increased exposure to the elements…
Not posting this here because we believe this article, of course. It is a continuing example of anti-Christian bigotry. [KESchaal] Now there’s proof: Trump’s…
I am currently preaching through Ezra. Recently, my text was Ezra 4. It’s the most challenging section of Ezra to follow because the story begins…
I asked fellow board member Bud Steadman, the Executive Director of Baptist World Mission how Christians might be able to aide our brethren in the…
It’s happening again. People are taking sides—the same old sides they always take. Political liberals are flying Ukrainian flags. It’s the same virtue signaling as…
One of the strangest of all the strange phenomena in our inter-connected new world is social media. According to Mr. Google, in January, 2022, Facebook…
At a recent meeting for preachers at Camp CoBeAc, guests had the opportunity to rummage through several boxes of books donated by a retired pastor.…
He was teaching Sunday school at age eleven. He was known in L.A. as the boy preacher by age sixteen. Before age twenty he had…
Below is a conversation that took place when our two daughters were little and there was a tornado warning that required we all go to…
“No margin, no ministry.” I heard that first from my good friend Walt Brock who has built a remarkable Christian Camp in Southern California. He…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.