That’ s my impression from my stroll down the main drag of Gatlinburg, TN, recently. Few people smiling or laughing. Harsh words being spoken to…
Following Christ is a joyful life, but it is not an easy life. It requires personal discipline to study his word, learn his ways, and…
The question is impossible. If you answer, “Yes,” you are most likely lying or else deceived. If you answer, “No,” you are under conviction, even…
One of the many admirable traits of President Abraham Lincoln was his willingness to hear opposing sides of an argument. In words that are the…
Recent domestic political events give the sense that we now live more in a banana republic—no longer the stable political environment we have been used…
Do you see the message of the Bible as bitter or sweet? In Revelation chapter 10, the Apostle John was not merely a recipient of…
Recently Joe Rigney, president of Bethlehem Baptist Seminary, argued that infant baptism need not be an absolute bar for membership in a Baptist church. If…
September 13, 2022 9:00 am – 12:30 Followed by Luncheon Bethel Baptist Fellowship 2304 Voorhies Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11235 Host: Pastor Jim Bickel We are…
Parenting cannot be delegated. God is clear in both the Old and New Testaments that parents are responsible to raise their children in such a…
In a recent article, Kevin Schaal, writing in response to comments about Tim Keller on abortion, politics, and law, made a statement about the purpose…
A History of Baptist Principles As Baptists we are a part of His story. I believe that the core of Baptist beliefs that will be…
Paul’s epistle to the churches of Galatia (Galatians 1:2) is one of (if not his most) passionate letters. The believers there were being wooed to…
Who said it? Can you match these quotes to their source? (answers at the end) “I can do this all day.” “I shall return.” “Inconceivable!”…
Many elements helped contribute to the immaturity that is evident in the American church today. The accommodation with pop culture, an infatuation with self, an…
Last Sunday, John Blake with CNN published an article claiming there is an “Imposter Christianity” that is threatening our American democracy. I am compelled to…
Recently I was in a pastor’s home in Virginia. I looked on the wall and saw this statement: “Let your faith be bigger than your…
I am often asked what I think about cremation as opposed to burial. A generation ago fewer than one-in-twenty were cremated at death. Many older…
Much of modern America’s Christianity is filled with immaturity. In Ephesians 4:11–17, Paul highlights several aspects of what spiritual maturity would look like: a measure…
As one surveys the New Testament, he finds that it is filled with directives regarding the functions we are to perform, but it is short…
Are growing? Or are you still dealing with that same sin that has plagued you for years? Are you dead, stale, or distracted? Are you…
Note: All posts in News Items, Opinion Pieces, and Home & Family are offered as a matter of interest to our readers. They do not necessarily represent the views of FBFI. They may often represent a different point of view which we think our readers might like to be aware.