In Romans 8:29 we learn that God has predestinated us to be conformed to the image of His Son. That is the ultimate end of…
The prosperity of American culture breeds sin. For any believer, it is hard to deny this. We first see wealth as a means to happiness…
Several years ago I attended a breakfast hosted by a large Grand Rapids-based publishing house. The event targeted local ministers from various denominations in order…
Yesterday we published a piece by Dr. Layton Talbert about how Orthodox Judaism treats Isaiah 53. While corresponding with me about his article, Dr. Talbert…
The short answer is that, as a rule, they don’t. Every year around September, they systematically avoid reading Isaiah 53. But that begs a little…
There’s a very striking story about a man who never learned to read but who had a well-worn Bible. Someone asked him why the pages…
I wonder exactly what it was like that Sunday just a short time after the founding of the church at Jerusalem. Things were happening. People…
Choices lead to consequences. Good choices have positive consequences; sinful choices have negative consequences. Those statements are not surprising to us, yet we often forget…
This study provides a biblical, historical and practical overview how God has provided his Word to us in written form. Biblical (and Early Christian) Evidence…
Who is “The Temple of God” in 1 Corinthians 3:16–17? For those of us who grew up in Fundamentalism, hearing a sermon about a Christian’s…
In 1917 the Bible Institute of Los Angeles printed a collection of articles—edited by R. A. Torrey, A. C. Dixon, and many others—called The Fundamentals.…
Four Biblical Principles Regarding the Clothes You Wear Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God…
Be ye therefore perfect… (Matthew 5:48). Let us therefore, as many as be perfect… (Philippians 3:15). But let patience have her perfect work, that YE…
Acts 12 presents the first loss from the apostolic company, the death of James, brother of John, one of the “Sons of Thunder,” a member…
I have no aversion to new things. In my lifetime, microwave ovens, personal computers, cell phones, and a list of other innovations have made life…
Worship in Greater Awe The believer who begins to comprehend the incomparable nature of the triune God soon realizes his extreme unworthiness to approach the…
Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before. Sometimes things that are obvious to us are not so…
A few years ago, George Barna published a study called “The State of Pastors.” The study revealed that the average age of pastors in 2017…
Here’s a statement that will probably make most pastors and church members pause: Children’s ministry may be the most important ministry of your church. D.L.…
Imagine for a moment, as painful as it might seem, that you’ve been jailed inside a maximum security prison. Even after several months of unimaginable…