Tragedy in Indiana: The USA Today account of the fall of Jack Schaap. Jack Schaap has long been a controversial figure in our circles, publishing…
By Don Johnson A lot of ink (and pixels) has been spilled over the years on the subject of sanctification. Having recently completed a lengthy…
A popular perspective of movements shaping fundamentalism from 1880s to the 1920s, being a lightly edited transcript of a series of lectures given for the…
by Doug Wright On Monday I intentionally ate a Chick-fil-A sandwich. I chose to eat at Chick-fil-A as a show of support for Dan Cathy,…
A popular perspective of movements shaping fundamentalism from 1880s to the 1920s, being a lightly edited transcript of a series of lectures given for the…
How Faith Works: The volcanic issue of “Lordship Salvation” is still emitting the smoke and fumes of controversy.This article is republished from 1989. We link…
by Don Johnson This article was written for a young man and a young woman who are now the parents of the author’s one and…
Is Mormonism an experience? Speaking of how the average Mormon views his religion: It is not the doctrines that have won him. He is sometimes…
by Forrest McPhail There are no hidden keys of knowledge about Buddhists that will ensure success in reaching them with the Gospel. Only the Spirit…
Jerry Sandusky’s Pastor Comments on Case in Sunday Sermon (FULL TRANSCRIPT) The church and pastor are part of the United Methodist Church. You may agree…
Thinking about government in light of 1 Samuel 8 by Matthew Recker By the last days of the judges, national Israel had grown from a…
by Bud Steadman This article first appeared in the Baptist World Mission Messenger. Used by permission. In Luke 5:1-11 our Lord used fishing to teach…
For better or worse, we now have a Facebook page for our blog. The main reason for this is to help us spread the word…
A few articles that came to our attention in recent weeks suggest topics Christians should think about. What should we think about Christians and sport?…
A review by Brian Collins Leedy, Randy. Love Not the World: Winning the War Against Worldliness. Greenville, SC: Bob Jones University Press, 2012. Discussing topics…
The subject of our current issue is Sanctification or Growing in Grace. This was the theme of our recent annual meeting held in Phoenix, AZ…
by Jim Oesterwind The LORD would not accept the well-intended offerings of the children of Israel in the day of the prophet Malachi. They tearfully…
by Jim Oesterwind There is a digital fantasyland called Second Life where people live virtual lives because they have become disengaged from the real world.…