George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work Habakkuk 3:2 Last week, we noted that real revival is preceded with frequent, serious, often intense prayer. Revival…
Don Johnson The apostle Paul, in the first chapter of 1 Timothy opens with an exhortation to teach “no other doctrine.” He elaborates on this…
Wally Morris Should we accept that a moral issue has reached the point where continuing to fight for Biblical standards is not a wise use…
Matt Recker Mark 9:14-29 We do well to never minimize the reality of the devil, his demons, and their work in the world at any…
Warren Vanhetloo Differences and distinctions are common throughout the world. An important division of the human race is male or female. A significant division in…
George Stiekes O Lord, revive thy work – Habakkuk 3:2. This phrase is taken from a prayer by the prophet Habakkuk. Hearing what the Lord…
Michael Riley A sound church must be committed to meaningful church membership. This is not a popular topic in our day, for at least a…
Matt Recker Matthew 14:30 Peter was confident he could walk on the water to go to Jesus, if indeed that was Jesus walking on the…
Taigen Joos Having lived in New England for over 16 years now, I have had the opportunity to visit many churches in the region. I…
Matthew Recker Andy Stanley is the pastor of North Point Ministries, a church attended by about 30,000 people each week. On December 3, he preached…
George Stiekes The believer’s responsibility with regards to reaching the lost must begin with prayer. Paul makes this very clear in I Timothy 2:1-4: I…
George Stiekes See Part One. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy…
George Stiekes After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done…
Layton Talbert The following is an excerpt from the book, Not by Chance: Learning to Trust a Sovereign God (Greenville, S.C.: BJU Press, 2001). Part…
George Stiekes And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest,…
Pastor Don Johnson Christmas is a problem for some, both Christians and non-Christians. I don’t mean the problems of materialism and the lack of “Christ…
Don Johnson Ecclesiastes 12:12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a…
ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGIONAL MEETING of the FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL THEME: The Christian and His Responsibility to Society Jesus commanded His disciples to preach a…
We’d like to give you a preview to some of the articles in the November/December FrontLine. Information for subscriptions can be found here.
Don Johnson Editorial note: We are in the midst of a series of posts from the messages delivered at the Pre-Convention Conference of the Northern…