George Stiekes That ye might walk worthy of the LORD unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and INCREASING IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF…
Thomas Overmiller At a recent Facebook rally in Chicago, Mark Zuckerberg suggested that the social network behemoth can effectively replace institutions like “churches and Little…
Don Johnson “What we need,” say the professors of biblical worldview, “is more young people to take their biblical perspectives into every field — we…
Patterson, James A. James Robinson Graves: Staking the Boundaries of Baptist Identity. Studies in Baptist Life and Thought. Nashville: B & H Academic, 2012. Reviewed…
Taigen Joos Part 1 ♦ Part 2 ♦ Part 3 ♦ Part 4 ♦ Part 5 ♦ Part 6 ♦ Part 7 ♦ Part 8…
posted by Don Johnson Today I’d like to highlight a blog post I ran across called: Implications or Applications?: Preaching Biblical Narratives Lest the average…
George Stiekes Last week we ran Part 1 of this article. We continue today with an additional look at the description of the Holy Spirit…
Don Johnson The term “blog” is less than twenty years old, a 1999 shortening of the 1997 term “weblog.”1 There was a time when everyone…
Taigen Joos Part 1 ♦ Part 2 ♦ Part 3 ♦ Part 4 ♦ Part 5 ♦ Part 6 ♦ Part 7 ♦ Part 8…
George Stiekes Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you (I Corinthians 3:16). The believer…
Don Johnson Mike Riccardi serves on the staff of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles and blogs at, a group blog of interest to…
Valuing What God Values Taigen Joos Part 1 ♦ Part 2 ♦ Part 3 ♦ Part 4 ♦ Part 5 ♦ Part 6 ♦ Part…
Last week, we held our Annual Fellowship meeting in conjunction with the New Testament Association of Independent Baptist Churches in Watertown, WI. Our meeting was…
Kevin T. Bauder The New Testament Baptist Fellowship met Tuesday through Thursday of this past week. The name is a new one, and that creates…
George Stiekes Seek the LORD and His strength, seek His face CONTINUALLY. (1 Chronicles 16:11) Stephen Colbert to the graduating class at the University of…
Our Annual Fellowship meeting wrapped up Thursday morning. Some of our number had to depart early for other responsibilities, but we still had a good…
Yesterday I mentioned that the NTBF is not an organization, it is an event. What an eventful day it was today! A day full of…
“The New Testament Baptist Fellowship is not an organization, it is an event.” said Dr. John Vaughn, outgoing president of the Foundations Baptist Fellowship. Together…
Don Johnson FBFI Pulpit In preparation for our Annual Fellowship this week, I thought I would share a message I preached on April 2 about…