Posts by Treg Spicer
Next-Generation Ministry: This Means You!
As I was taking a tour of a church, the person showing me around said that a good portion of their regular attendees were college students. I said something to the effect of “That’s great.” Their response startled me. “College students stink! When they are in town they bring an atmosphere of life and vitality,…
Read MoreHow Spiritual Health Can Be Achieved
It was the day of my dad’s open heart surgery when I received a prophecy that would come true 12 years later. The heart surgeon met with my brother and me and described the surgery. He then said something that I will never forget. “You boys are next!” That is exactly what every young man…
Read MoreBenny Moran, Pastor, FBFI Board Member
[Note: Treg Spicer, one of our regular writers, is the successor to brother Benny Moran at Faith Baptist Church – Morgantown, WV. Pastor Moran served in this church for many years. During this time he also served the FBFI through his participation on the board. We will miss his support and thank brother Spicer for…
Read MoreDealing with Criticism
Criticism is a crutch that makes the weak feel strong. It is a way for someone to look smart and successful while hiding in the shadows. We all “love” our critics … yeah right! Even though that might not be true, it is true that our critics can consume our minds and distract our attention…
Read MoreSilence is Golden … or is it?
Silence is golden…or is it? As a father of four, there are very few days in our home that have been silent, especially in the early years. I remember one afternoon we were sitting in the living room talking with a missionary and the kids were being extremely quiet. After a little while, I told…
Read More4 Lessons I’ve Learned Through Sickness.
Last week on social media author Carey Nieuwhof asked a simple question: “What’s your biggest leadership challenge right now?” Lying in my hospital bed I laughed and said to myself, “Funny you should ask.” At that very moment, our church team was planning a large 4th of July outdoor picnic and service while I was…
Read MoreHow to Have a Real-Word Experience
One week not too long ago my family and I were able to get away. We decided to go to Orlando for the week. I am sure we were probably the only out-of-state family there who didn’t go to Disney but believe it or not, there is a lot to do even if you bypass…
Read MoreAre we Living in the Last Days?
Surely, we must be living in the last days. We haven’t seen fighting like this in the middle east in years. Riots, bombings, and attacks within Israel are a sure recipe for the Lord’s return. When you add Syria and Iran, plus Russia’s politics and pirating software, wow, we are for sure nearing the end…
Read More4 Ways to Use Your Authority like Jesus
I was sitting at lunch not too long ago with a young, successful commercial realtor in our community. He has yet to find Jesus, and I am trying to help him on His journey. During our conversation, he made a very revealing statement. He said, “Money destroys people.” He was right. Money destroys people and…
Read MoreCan We Really Trust what We Have Been Taught?
“Pastor, I need to ask you a question.” Can we talk privately, please? The next few steps from the public to the privacy of my office are the most agonizing ever. Thoughts flood my mind. “What did I do? I wonder what they are upset about? I know I didn’t do anything.” Questions tend to…
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