Honorable Christian Manhood (pt 2)

Taigen Joos God’s people have always been led by God’s men. From Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, to David, to Peter and Paul, and scores of others, God has historically used men to help lead and guide His people down paths of righteousness and holiness. All of those men were imperfect, and led imperfectly. However,…

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Honorable Christian Manhood (pt 1)

Taigen Joos The number of honorable Christian men in our world is dwindling. This is not to say that there is a shortage of males in the world, but that the number of adult men who emulate biblical manhood is on the decline. Many men view manhood in terms of their sexual conquests, their physique,…

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Four Examples of Improper Values for Christians

Taigen Joos One reason why I believe that American Christianity is struggling to remain true to the historic Christian faith is because we have devoured the mentality of the “American Dream.” Prosperity, indulgence, and individualism are steadily consuming us, making American Christianity a consumer driven “market” rather than a distinctly different and eternally relevant message…

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Training our Children for Ministry

Taigen Joos Having lived in New England for over 16 years now, I have had the opportunity to visit many churches in the region. I am thankful for many godly men who faithfully proclaim God’s Word to their flocks week after week, and we pray regularly for the many churches who are still searching for…

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The Evidence of True Belief

Taigen Joos Recently, our friend Taigen Joos preached a message to his congregation on the well-known (and challenging) passage of Hebrews 6.1-6. When I listened to this message, I asked pastor Joos to share it with us along with his notes. What follows is a synopsis of his message, derived from his notes, with a…

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The “Two Hands” of Ministry

Taigen Joos In 2006 an approach to church ministry began to gain popularity. It was called a “two-handed” approach to ministry. One closed hand represented the theology of the church and its grasp of biblical truth and principles. The hand being closed symbolized the non-negotiable aspects of theology. One open hand represented the methodology of…

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Honorable Manhood and Holy Culture

Taigen Joos There is no godliness without holiness. And yet the Bible says that there is no one who is holy, except one. God is holy. He is majestically holy, completely separate from and far above His creation, sitting upon the throne of the universe as its Creator and Sovereign Majesty. God is also morally…

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A Fight Against Shallow Christianity

Taigen Joos I am 42 years old. I have been saved for 27 years. I have been in pastoral ministry for 15 years. My experience in Christianity and ministry is such that the older I get, the more I realize my own need to grow in my Christianity. That need is true of every Christian.…

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Evaluating Incarnational Ministry (4) — Conclusion

Taigen Joos In the past few posts, I have sought to lay out a sketch of what incarnational ministry is and have given some amount of critical evaluation to it. Incarnationalism has a misunderstanding of its key Scriptural texts, often reading into the text, or emphasizing things in the text, without a clear understanding of…

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