Posts by Kevin Schaal
Christian conservatism and realism vs. Christian nationalism | Opinion
Nearly all self-identified Christian nationalists are Calvinists, typically Presbyterian like Wolfe, but often theologically Reformed Baptists. The latter can be confusing because traditional Baptists are most associated with religious liberty. Source: Christian conservatism and realism vs. Christian nationalism | Opinion
Read MoreWhy Negotiating with God Does Not Work
Stop trying to negotiate with God! Just stop it. People going through trials often respond to those trials by trying to negotiate with the Divine One. This type of negotiation often arises from a lifestyle that is characterized by sin and disobedience to God. Let me first say that this discussion is about Christian living,…
Read MorePastors, Teach Your Church Members to Vote!
A recent article by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian Univeristy is shocking. Barna’s latest research shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November. That means a full 104 million faith voters are unlikely to vote this election—including 41 million born-again Christians (defined by their beliefs regarding sin…
Read MoreShould a Christian Skip Voting on November 5? | RealClearReligion
While the Bible does not speak directly to the issue of voting because elections didn’t exist in Bible times, a relevant passage that presents a principle to guide our contemporary context is 1 Timothy 2:1-2. When Paul gave Timothy instructions concerning how to lead the church, his first instruction was to urge church members to…
Read MoreApathy Among Christian Voters Could Be ‘Gamechanger’ in 2024 Election – Arizona Christian University
Barna’s latest research shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November. That means a full 104 million faith voters are unlikely to vote this election—including 41 million born-again Christians (defined by their beliefs regarding sin and salvation, not self-identification), 32 million regular Christian church attenders, and 14 million who…
Read MoreCultural vs Believing Christianity
Elon Musk calls himself a cultural Christian, so does famous atheist Richard Dawkins. This term—cultural Christian—means different things depending on who is using the term. For many years, those in evangelical and fundamentalist Christianity called cultural Christians those that were tied to the historic and more conservative standards associated with Christian behavior and choices—in particular…
Read MoreBiblical Separation Among the Methodists?
The battles over the fundamentals of the faith that ravaged every major ecclesiastical body in the 1920s are repeated in the 2020s but over different issues. It’s not like those old issues don’t exist—they do. However, we are facing new problems that are as pertinent to Orthodox Christianity as the fundamentals were one hundred years…
Read MoreWhy Do You Want to Be Baptized?
I was driving down the highway recently and I saw a decorated vehicle in the distance in front of me. It had white streamers taped all over it, cans dragging on strings behind, and painted boldly in the back window were the words, “Just Baptized.” It made me smile. For more than a year now,…
Read MoreEnd Abortion: Rebrand Babies – The American Mind
But abortion is at its tiny beating heart not, I repeat not, a political issue. It never has been, actually. It is not solvable at the federal, or even state, level. It cannot be eradicated via executive order, law, or any craft we here possess. “Abortionist” is the second oldest profession after “prostitute.” Humans are…
Read MoreJesus or the Pope: You must choose one or the other
[Editor’s note: The image above is AI generated, but the Pope did say that all religions lead to God.] There has been a continuing movement to erase the divisions created by Martin Luther and the other Reformers. From the Evangelicals and Catholics Together statement in 1994 to the recent departure of J. D. Vance from…
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