DEI and the Local Church

DEI in the Local Church? The discussion about Equity and Inclusion has been a roller coaster ride for the last eight years. The conversation usually centers on work, education, and government, and this election has revealed a huge nationwide backlash against the concept. But what about the concepts of equity and inclusion in the local…

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When Kids Shoot Kids: A Christian Perspective on School Shootings

  The recent shooting at Abundant Life Christian School brings, again, the subject of school violence to the minds of Christian School parents. In the years since the pandemic, school shootings have skyrocketed across the country. In 2000, there were 31 school shooting events nationwide—which was a fairly average year for the time period. In…

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From Pastor Nicholas to Santa Claus

Santa Claus is everywhere around Christmas. But did you know that there was a real Saint Nicholas? He was the pastor of a local church that was likely founded by the Apostle Paul on one of his early missionary journeys. Most of the information we have about Nicholas of Myra comes from a history of…

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The Word is Jesus! Should you let Jordan Peterson preach the Word to you?

Jordan Petersen is doing a series on the Gospels on the Daily Wire. The discussion panel consists of Jordan Peterson (a Canadian psychologist and social philosopher who admittedly is not a born-again believer), Dennis Prager (a religious Jew, founder of Prager U), Robert Barron (Roman Catholic bishop, philosopher, and evangelist for the Catholic Church), Johnathan…

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Psalm 118: Thanksgiving for Today’s Believer

Many people will be giving thanks this week—and probably a number who refuse to do so depending on their view of the recent elections.  Believers always have reason to give thanks regardless of how the circumstances of life turn.  It is such a renewing and invigorating exercise when we take the time to meditate on…

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Holding Pastors Accountable

It was news nationwide, The elders at Trinity Bible Church of Dallas announced this week that lead preacher Steven J. Lawson had been removed from all ministry responsibilities after he confessed to having an “inappropriate relationship” with a woman.  This one was a shocker, and a deep disappointment to many in conservative evangelicalism and fundamentalism.…

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A Baptist, Fundamentalist, Election Post-Mortem

All the hype is over, all the counting is done—except for Arizona which will probably still be counting when the next election rolls around. How should we feel about what happened in the 2024 election? Most importantly we must remember that our hope is not in political candidates or in secular leaders. It is better to…

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Muslim vigilantes colluding with authorities to entrap Christians | World

Muslim vigilante groups are working with federal authorities to lure young people into sharing blasphemous content on social media in order to put them behind bars, according to an investigation by Pakistan’s National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR). A steep increase in blasphemy cases this year, many of them filed against Christians and other religious…

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