Posts by Don Johnson
Unraveling Culture?
Don Johnson Current headlines are very troubling. Riots. Extremism. Mobs. Demands. Social justice. Race. Racism. Diversity. Tolerance. Intolerance. All of these words come to mind. Several younger fundamentalists offer some insight. I’d like to commend their blogs to you.
Read MoreMaking Excuses
Don Johnson Lately, a fair number of folks in my circle of friends1 are passing along an article at Christianity Today, “Why Christians Should Avoid Watching Rape Scenes.” The article takes as strong a stand as CT is ever wont to take, which is to say, they nuance their objections. Apparently other recent articles also…
Read MoreFormer Drinkers Reflect on Alcohol
Don Johnson I recently ran across this article: “20 Common Things People Realize When They Quit Drinking Alcohol” The author of the article is summarizing the things that people report after having given up on alcohol. The worldviews are, as far as I can see, those of unbelievers. I would guess they are not the…
Read MoreA blog on Worship
Don Johnson We’ve highlighted a new blog recently and would like you to take a look at one of their latest offerings: Worship: It’s More than You Think You might think this is yet another post on music, but that really isn’t Aaron Berry’s point. I fear that many of our worship services or events…
Read MoreCounting the Cost of Letting Your Light Shine
Don Johnson “What we need,” say the professors of biblical worldview, “is more young people to take their biblical perspectives into every field — we need Christians in medicine, music, science, sociology, in every field.” I am currently teaching the principles of biblical worldview to the people of our church (using the excellent textbook, Biblical…
Read MoreReview: James Robinson Graves – Staking the Boundaries of Baptist Identity
Patterson, James A. James Robinson Graves: Staking the Boundaries of Baptist Identity. Studies in Baptist Life and Thought. Nashville: B & H Academic, 2012. Reviewed by Don Johnson J. R. Graves is noteworthy in Baptist history as the champion of what are called “Landmarkist” beliefs. Graves lived from 1820 to 1893 and is described by…
Read MoreA helpful blog on Applying Narratives
posted by Don Johnson Today I’d like to highlight a blog post I ran across called: Implications or Applications?: Preaching Biblical Narratives Lest the average reader be put off (i.e. average reader = not a preacher) this article is helpful for personal application as well. When you read the narrative sections of Scripture, how do…
Read MoreA Few Blogs Worth Following
Don Johnson The term “blog” is less than twenty years old, a 1999 shortening of the 1997 term “weblog.”1 There was a time when everyone seemed to have a blog, but that flush of enthusiasm has since subsided. Nevertheless, blogs continue to be published and some of them are of interest to us. We’d like…
Read MoreAn Evangelical Take on Ecumenism
Don Johnson Mike Riccardi serves on the staff of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles and blogs at, a group blog of interest to the more conservative amongst professing believers. The writing at Cripplegate is often outstanding, although there will be key points of difference between their team and those who write here at…
Read MoreNew Testament Baptist Fellowship–day 3
Our Annual Fellowship meeting wrapped up Thursday morning. Some of our number had to depart early for other responsibilities, but we still had a good crowd in the services today. One of my fellow board members said he was thinking about writing an article on the spiritual condition of those who depart from conferences early!…
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