Did You Hear the One about the Woman Pope?

“Hey, did you hear the one about the woman pope?” “Yeah, she reigned for two years as a man in the middle ages but was exposed going into labor during a papal procession.” What do you think of that? Had you heard about it before? The story is real, but we aren’t sure whether “Pope…

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Kids From Strong Families Less Likely to Fall in Love with Robots – Breakpoint

The complications of creating artificially intelligent robots for service, companionship, or sex has been the plot of movies and TV shows for decades, from Terminator to Bicentennial Man to A.I. to Westworld. While some of these entertainment properties portrayed the human-AI relationships as potentially good, others warned of the inevitable, unforeseen dangers. All assumed that…

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Children of a Common Mother

This afternoon I enjoyed a “first” in my relationship with the United States of America. As most of our readers know, I am a Canadian by birth, and except for when I went to the USA to get an education (and a wife), I’ve spent my entire life living in Canada. Through all this time…

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Rift Grows In SBC Over Support For Leftist Immigration Policy

Over the past decade, a growing divide has emerged within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), as denominational leaders have increasingly framed left-leaning border policies as a Christian imperative. Source: Rift Grows In SBC Over Support For Leftist Immigration Policy Photo by Barbara Zandoval on Unsplash

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Two Essential Propositions about God

Deuteronomy 4 gives us two strong statements about the nature of God. I am calling them “propositions.” A proposition is “Something which is asserted or avowed; a sentence or form of words in which this is done; a statement, an assertion.”1 Years ago, I read John Broadus on preaching and discovered the idea of a…

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Bible Reading: Good Enough for Kings

I always emphasize Bible reading at this time of year. I also provide several Bible reading schedules for our people. (If you haven’t already found one of your own, see links at the end of this post.) For our annual message on Bible reading this year, we turned to Deuteronomy 17.18-20, the second mention of…

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On Parenting: Are You Bribing Your Way Through?

Not long ago, I was sitting in an airport when a family of four appeared. The little boy, who seemed about five, was having a meltdown I’d heard many times before. His mother was doing all she could to calm him down, but nothing worked. In just a few minutes, I witnessed a parade of…

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Design: Does Evolution Care about You?

“Once you’ve reproduced, evolution doesn’t care about you anymore.”1 The BBC podcast, In Our Time, is one I listen to weekly. The host, Melvin Bragg is a BBC radio presenter of long standing. The programme usually features three guests who are experts in the field under discussion, whether it be music, literature, history, science, or…

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AWARD-WINNING NEW TESTAMENT SCHOLAR AND AUTHOR, ADVANCING 500x5x5 VISION TO EQUIP PASTORS THROUGH UNCOMPROMISED, NEXT-LEVEL TEACHING BJU Seminary today announced that award-winning New Testament scholar and author Dr. Andreas Köstenberger will join its faculty, the latest milestone in the Seminary’s 500 x 5 x 5 vision to equip pastors through uncompromised, next-level teaching in a time of historic challenge to…

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Canadian magazine features two men in ‘8 incredible women’ article – The Christian Institute

ELLE magazine has been criticised for including two biological males in an article titled “8 incredible Canadian women”. The article celebrated transgender musician, writer, actor and artist Vivek Shraya, as well as LGBT activist Fae Johnstone. Both are men who identify as women. The Canadian branch of the international magazine changed the article’s name on…

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