Posts by David Oliver
About Prodigals — Who is to Blame?
Some time ago, I attended the funeral of a Christian gentleman who served his church as both deacon and choir director. Eulogies from family and friends attested to the strength and consistency of this man’s Christian testimony. He was at home and in private exactly what he professed at church. Without exaggeration, his life was…
Read MoreNo judgment, just neighbors
A post card advertising a local church was delivered recently to my mail box. Printed on this card was a catchy slogan, “No judgment, just neighbors.” I can imagine that this catch phrase would have some appeal to certain people. After all, who wants to be looked down on or condemned? Apparently this church wants…
Read MoreThe Lottery Lies
As a boy, I regularly visited Birmingham Drugs on Woodward Avenue to spend hard-earned lawn mowing money on comic books and a Coca Cola. I remember vividly when the orange Michigan Lottery kiosk was installed near the cash register. What caught my attention was the workers from Jax Car Wash down the block coming in…
Read MoreCharles Homsher with the Lord
David A. Oliver Charles Brighton Homsher was born in 1925, the son of a southern Colorado rancher. As a young man he did just what his father and grandfather had done – plow, plant, and harvest the wide plains north of the Oklahoma panhandle. He was converted to Christ in his teen years while attending…
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