Six Degrees of Separation and One Breath to Eternity

Perhaps you have heard of the six degrees of separation social theory.  This is the idea that each individual in the world is six or fewer social connections away from everyone else.  Sometimes it is surprising to learn that somebody with whom you are acquainted is only a couple of degrees removed from someone who…

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The Gambling Hustle

The recent death of Pete Rose has rekindled a decades-old debate about his place in the Baseball Hall of Fame. “Charlie Hustle” was indisputably one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Some argue that he was the greatest. However, despite being named an All Star seventeen times and holding the MLB record for…

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Sleeping in church

At the close of a recent church service a teenager told me, “I had a hard time staying awake while you were preaching.” I did not tell him that I already knew it. Few realize that the pastor on the platform sees the passing notes, the fixation on the cell phone, and the drooping heads.…

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Illustration from History: Substitution

While Grover Cleveland is not remembered as one of America’s great presidents, there are a couple of distinctions that make him unique among the forty-five men to serve as the country’s chief executive. Most notably, Grover Cleveland is the only president to serve non-consecutive terms.1 Four years after he lost his re-election bid to Benjamin…

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“Reefer Madness”

Back in 1936, a church group financed a movie intended to be a morality tale warning about the dangers of smoking marijuana. The film’s acting and production quality were both so poor that today the film is occasionally shown on cable television as satire. Reefer Madness is now a vehicle for mockery for any who…

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Ministering Grace

Recently, a church member emailed me questions prompted by a discussion with a coworker. What is meant by “means of grace?” What are the means of grace? First, I explained what I am certain he already knew. Grace is unmerited favor or undeserved kindness. It is the only way a person can be forgiven or…

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The Baptists and the Bill of Rights

In 1976, commemorations of America’s bicentennial were everywhere – in government, in education, and in entertainment. Brief cartoons appeared on Saturday mornings on children’s television telling about the history of the country, the operation of government, and most importantly, the principle of liberty. These cartoons began with questions set to music, “Hey, do you know…

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Tell Mother I’ll Be There

William McKinley was president of the United States during the Spanish American War and led the nation out of an economic depression into a season of prosperity. Still, he is little remembered, except for the tragic fact that early in his second term he was assassinated by an anarchist and was then succeeded by his…

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Awards and Recognition

A few years ago, my brother and I toured Sagamore Hill on Long Island, the home of Theodore Roosevelt. We then stopped at the nearby Young’s Memorial Cemetery to pay our respects at the grave of the 26th president. A brass plaque at the foot of the grave reads, “Theodore Roosevelt, Medal of Honor, Lieut.…

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Tell Mother I’ll Be There

William McKinley was president of the United States during the Spanish American War and led the nation out of an economic depression into a season of prosperity. Still, he is little remembered, except for the tragic fact that early in his second term he was assassinated by an anarchist and was then succeeded by his…

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